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Posts posted by Lars-Contrail

  1. We have received reports about the purple tiles, and the developer, Emmanuel, is currently investigating the issue.

    While it does not affect everyone, we are working to understand the cause and determine if any part of the scenery contributes to the purple tile problem. This appears to be one of those perplexing issues where these tiles show up in areas that only have default satellite imagery.

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  2. This is a known problem in MSFS; please make sure to run the latest drivers and try to disable Windows Hardware Acceleration.
    Thread for reference: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/blue-and-purple-terrain-tiles/481113

    Hope it helps! I have also sent a link to the developer, but I'm not sure if he can do much about this since the satellite imagery is mostly default.

  3. I was also interested in seeing the difference between Active Sky and MSFS Live Weather. So I chose a few spots around the globe and took comparison screenshots. I especially like the Stratus cloud type, rarely or never seen this with the default weather.

    Results can be seen here, included the current METAR and a comparison slider.

    Disclaimer: Not intended as self promotion, but figured I would post it anyway since it's the best form of comparing screenshots

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  4. 6 hours ago, JasonPC said:

    Any idea of when this will be available from third party sellers? Purchased mine through contrail and was afraid this would happen. I've been looking forward to this one.

    Me too, none of the third party shops have it yet. I hope we can expect it today.

    EDIT: Now available at the Contrail Shop

  5. Just stumbled over this thread now, thank you for your kind words gents, especially @JYW! Hope you have logged good hours on your P2012 in the meantime 🙂

    @qqwertz The reason for the log-out usually is expiry of a token. The session is stored in a token (on the web, these are mostly called cookies), which will be refreshed the next time you use the app (or log-in to a website). If the token is not valid anymore, you have to log-in again. Now websites and apps handle expiration differently, browser websites are usually more strict, highly correlating with how secure the system has to be (e.g. banking website log you out after 5 minutes of inactivity).

    But a long expiration time doesn't imply an unsecure system. It's a question of implementation, and usually there is not one token but two, plus additional security meassures.


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