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Tims Sim

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Everything posted by Tims Sim

  1. Hi, Yes I am still alive! Sorry have been very busy the past few weeks. I have the descent ratio set at 2.5, after some experimentation. This seems to be the sweet spot for me. I get instructions to descend 10 - 30 miles before TD. Aircraft en route and on the ground is proving trickier. Here's my settings: <MaxParkedAircraft Value="20" /> <MaxEnrouteAircraft Value="80" /> <MaxTerminalAircraft Value="20" /> I have the VOXATC slider at 50%, but there is far too much traffic on the ground and a repetitiveness of airlines i.e. 75% Turkish or Ryan Air or Scandinavian. On route there's still very little. Tegwin told me (a long time ago) that if the slider is at 30% (where I typically have it) then 30% of parking spaces will be taken up. Altering the vasettings.xml does not seem to have altered this. I'll do some more tweaking. Regards Dave
  2. Hi, I have altered the descent ratio parameter but have not fully tested it. However, the waypoints listed in the advanced flight plan extras area still does not include waypoints nearer to the airport. I tested this by leaving the descent ratio as it was, increasing it and looking at the list and decreasing it and looking at the list. Ideally the list should include the IAF by default, in my opinion anyway. I have another idea but not sure if it's possible. I could add the hold point to the waypoint list and then make it the hold point. Not sure if VOXATC will accept this change or not. I suspect it will just ignore it as it did when I added the waypoint to the hold. I'll let you know. I feel certain there's a parameter somewhere that causes the list to be produced as it is. Anyway, in overall terms for me VOAXTAC works well, it's just a shame development seems to have stopped, although I expect for good reason. Regards Dave
  3. Hi Vadriver, I am very sorry for the slow reply to your response, I have marked the thread so that I get a notification of a reply, but it did not work. Anyway..... I am using the Flight Plan extras facility. The problem is that when you select the dropdown list of all the on route waypoints, the final few are always missing, it is usually one of these missing waypoints that is used as the hold prior to approach, as shown on the charts. I suspect that the waypoints used by VOXATC are up to a predetermined distance from the arrival airport, predetermined by some internal parameter of VOXATC. I have tried to manually edit the route by adding the hold point into the text file stored in the VOXATC data file. It does not work. This is the case in UK. As I say, I believe (no proof of this) that VOXATC has a built in parameter for using a waypoints up to a certain distance from the destination, probably to allow for use of a STAR. Good luck! It'll be interesting to see if this works. The problem is, if I understand you correctly, is you'll have to do this for every STAR. Regards Dave
  4. Hi downunda , Europe only. The hold feature works for me it's just the above mentioned issues that make it flaky. I hope you're safe from the fires. Regards Dave
  5. Hi, Compliments of the season to one and all. I do use the hold facility available in VOXATC, not on every flight, perhaps one in five. There are problems with it and I'm wondering if anyone has found a work around for one or all of them. First, the waypoints offered for holding are too far from the airport usually and they don't match the holding points on the charts. If you manually insert a waypoint in the procedure text file, it is ignored, in fact it is removed. Is there a way to force VOXATC to use chosen holding points? Is there a parameter in another file controlling this feature that can be adjusted i.e. distance from airport or start of STAR? Second, the holding altitude usually makes no sense at all i.e. I can be on descent at say 16,000ft and the instruction will be to hold at 25,200ft, which of course is nonsense, for a number of reasons. If you ignore the altitude instruction you get nagged to climb. Often you are also told you will get further instruction at (say) 5000ft, which is often below the last instructed altitude or below MSA. Again is there a way around this that anyone knows of? I tend to complete a couple of circuits and then continue on route, contacting approach/tower and then VOX settles back into the correct instructions. Thanks very much Dave
  6. Hi Manuel, Thanks for your full and complete answer, much appreciated. Roll on V1.4, don't take too long though, I am not far off becoming a pensioner...……….. Regards Dave
  7. Hi, I am using UGCX and getting on well with it and enjoying it. Along with my previous suggestions - https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/560109-three-suggestions/ (understanding that the first item is solved) I have another couple please. When given permission to start engines, after pushback, it would be good if one could say something like "Understood, clear to start engines" or similar. Currently if you do this you get a response "Go Ahead". It does not seem right to not respond to this clearance. Also, I think this has been requested already but, can we please have the option of a PTT button or key stroke so that UGCX can be set so it is not always listening? I have the soft key enabled but I use this to stop UGCX listening when I'm talking to ATC. I realise development of 1.4 is well underway so this might be too late. Thanks very much Regards Dave
  8. Hi UGCX, Thanks for your positive and detailed replies. Keep up the good work! Regards Dave
  9. Hi Bryan, Thank you for your positive reply Great, thank you. Could they not just follow the same route back (said in ignorance I realise). Yes indeed, I use it for another programme. I did not realise it could be used for UCGX, I'll get on to it right away (thanks Vernon). Great, thank you. Regards Dave
  10. Hi UGCX team, I would like to say first of all how pleased I am with UGCX, I can see why some folks were surprised that there was not more functionality from day one but, I'd rather have the bug free experience we have now that we can move forward from. Anyway, my three suggestions/requests are: Can we please have an option to have the ground crew return to the truck and then drive back to the pushback start point, rather than just disappear? I understand and agree with the spawning instantly when UGCX is started, I don't see a problem with this at all, but when they vanish in front of your eyes it does detract from the realism you have obviously tried to achieve. I have a home cockpit so it would be great if the on screen menu could appear on a tablet instead of on the main screen. Finally, when still in the air (I fly a tube liner) and say within 100 miles of the arrival airport, would it be possible to call up UGCX (by voice or menu) and select the arrival gate? This way it reduces what needs to be done upon landing and clearing the runway (I am talking to ATC too at this point), the location of the gate is known and the route/runway exit point can be planned ahead and it is more like the real world? Anyway, even if you don't like or take up the suggestions above, continue the good work, I look forward to seeing UGCX develop. Thanks and regards Dave
  11. Hi Manuel, Thanks for the explanation. So, If I select device 2 from the menu I should see '1' in the ini file. Is this correct? Or does it remain as AudioDevice=0 Regards Dave
  12. Thanks Bryan, Perhaps Manuel can kindly confirm if one selects the third sound card from the in sim menu, i.e. number 3, will AudioDevice=0 become AudioDevice=3? Thanks Dave
  13. Hi, So far pleased with UGCX, but have run into a problem. In the ini file, should the number adjacent to the sound card choice be the same as the number against the sound card chosen from the UCGX menu? In my case UCGX has stopped working after trying to change the sound card choice. In the ini file there is a zero next to the sound card choice. I imagine it should be 1 or 2 etc? Can you kindly confirm? Thanks very much Dave
  14. Hi, I have, out of the blue, a problem with the indexer. The indexer runs but when getting to the Processing Aircraft Data section, it stops at various aircraft.cfg files. If I remove the file it will then stop at the next one. It does not stop at them all. I use Prosim 737, it stops at the Prosim flight model first. If I remove this cfg it stops at the last MyTraffic aircraft, a Yak 42. If I remove the Yak 42 it stops at the aircraft before, a Yak 40, if I remove the Yaks it then stops at the Vulcan, which is the cfg before the Yaks. No matter how long I leave the indexer it does become unstuck. Any ideas will be very welcome. Thanks and regards Dave
  15. Hi Sergej, I thought I'd let you know that everything is working okay now. The only thing I have done is to run the installer after installing some new scenery. Regards Dave
  16. Thanks A320. I do have a FPS hit but that is, I believe, due to the AI aircraft. I have the AI setting at 30% which provides a sensible level of AI. If it's set higher then there's a) too much traffic in terms of what you see and b) it's hard to 'get a word in' c) it negatively affects the FPS. The 30% setting was recommended to me by Tegwyn West some years ago, when he was more communicative! I fly in and out of regional airports in the main, avoiding Gatwick, Amsterdam, Frankfurt etc., due partly to the AI volume, but even here it's very usable. My FPS with VOXATC running is typically 25/30 on the ground with medium to high (not extreme) graphics settings and weather such as snow/rain and overcast cloud cover. In the air it's anywhere from 40 to 90. On approach to a large regional airport such as Bergen or Bristol, it can drop into the high teens, but remains smooth. I only use airport scenery designed for P3D V4. I am sticking with V4.1 for now since there's nothing in 4.2 that is beneficial to me, so far as I know. My setup is three HD projectors running off a 1080 graphics card. Regards Dave
  17. Hi, Okay I've solved this now, thanks to the guidance from here. This is how: Run remote panels on the client machine. Run Proxy on the flightsim PC. Click enable in the flight sim VOXATC window. (I was trying to do this on the client machine without even opening the VOXATC 'in sim' window. I assumed part of the remote function would include enabling from the client machine). Then close the VOXATC In sim window. VOXATC remote window comes alive and show instructions and read backs. Thanks for all your help. Regards Dave
  18. Hi Still no progress here. I am getting an error saying that the server is not running, but it is. I even get this on the sim PC where VOXATC is installed. There are definitely no network issues, I will keep investigating. I have tried running VOXATC server and VOXATC on the fligtsim PC with the proxy on the client. I will try the proxy on the flightsim PC. Onwards and upwards. Dave
  19. Thanks again Jürgen. My network is all okay, i.e. no firewall/sharing issues etc. I'll report back once I've tried again over the weekend. Regards Dave
  20. Hi, I have now fixed the sound problem. I will try to get the remote panels working this weekend. To help me could someone kindly tell me which programmes should be running on which PC? I have a main flight sim PC with VOXATC on it and a client PC with the remote panels on it. I have also installed VOXATC server on the flightsim PC. I would like to keep the voices on the flightsim PC and simply have the remote panels on the client PC, if this is possible. I will initiate the logging. Thanks VERY much. Regards Dave
  21. Hi Sergej, Thanks for this tip, I will give it a try. Regards Dave
  22. Hi, Just to let you know I am trying to fix a sound problem that is affecting VOXATC, until I do I cannot address the remote panel problem. Once fixed I'll report back about the panels. Regards Dave
  23. Thanks again Jürgen. I will set up the log file creation. I do not get an error message. VOXATC works well when used on the flight sim PC, apart from it insists on vectoring me even when I check the do not vector me box! I too have a home cockpit, a 737 hence wanting to get rid of the window from the P3D screens. Regards Dave
  24. Hi Jürgen, Could you please kindly give me a step by step to setting up the remote panels. I feel like it should be easy but I cannot get them to work. I used the proxy app. All options are green except one which is red, it says that the VOXATC server is not running. If I run VOXATC server instead of VOXATC on the flight sim machine, it makes no difference. There are no firewall, network or antivirus issues. I have VOXATC on the flight sim PC and remote panels with the proxy app on a client PC. Any and all guidance gratefully received. Thanks Dave
  25. Thanks Jürgen, I'll open my eyes and take look! Thanks Dave
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