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Everything posted by joker20001911

  1. DERP! I found it and imported them. Thank you.
  2. The creator of that profile says to do this Import the AAO script AxisAndOhsScripts_BKSQ_TBM.xml according to the AAO manual how do I do that! I actually saw that one but didn’t know how to import them and I did read the manual but may have missed it
  3. Alright. Thank you again for the help! Now on to the avionics switches. LOL! Should I create a new topic if I can't find it within a search on this site for additional assistance?
  4. I do like to click the switches now and then. I appreciate that code and may use in the future if I will only be using SD.
  5. This definitely worked! I never would have known that. Thank you so much for your help. I will try to do the same for the access button to have it change state on the SD too. But pushing the button on SD does make it work in game. Thank you again!
  6. It doesn’t switch image states in SD
  7. Yes. You are right. I am using a onoff toggle in SD. The switches now work just don’t light up green on SD using default picture when switched on
  8. No problem. Yes it seems that way. The read variable for the cabin only seems to work if a cabin light is on, not when you flip the cabin switch. Hmm
  9. It allows the cabin lights to be able to illuminate once the buttons are pushed. The access lights are the 2 lights with one button on the roof of cabin, cabin lights are the 2 lights with a switch for each
  10. Thank you! I love your program! I’m just dumb lol
  11. I’m very new at scripting and computering lol. I was able to get basic stuff (landing lights, etc) that use the basic events. But it’s these more complicated ones I don’t know what to do with that code once I find it.
  12. I found the behavior. 15 16 (>K:2:ELECTRICAL_BUS_TO_BUS_CONNECTION_TOGGLE) but I don’t know how to program that into streamdeck or find as a receiving event
  13. I’m having same issue. Specifically the cabin light switch and access button right under it.
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