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To Tabs: running PMDG747_400_FSX on Macbook Pro

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Hello Tabs,I read in one of your posts that you are running a Macbook Pro. I have a problem with FSX after having installed the PMDG747_400_FSX as outlined here :http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...d=139486&page=2I also corresponded with David Roch about this problem in Avsim's french speaking forum:http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=sho...g_id=1362&page=(my post is at the end of the thread)My question is have you experienced the same problem on your Macbook?For FS2004 and FSX I have a bootcamp partition of 32GB, running Windows XP and I am running both flightsims from an external hard disk (by the way FSX runs just fine on it). I did install the PMDG 747 just after having moved to Leopard, which then installed the new drivers for Windows XP. It seems that I am the only one to experience this type of problem. Basically with the PMDGOptions.dll loaded, all my planes have 0 fuel and the refuelling option on the Fuel/Payload menu is not active (grayed out). The Payload option works fine.Thanks in advance for your attention,Jean-Jacques aka JJJJ StruyfBraine-L'AlleudBelgium

Jean-Jacques Struyf

between EBBR and EBCI

  • Commercial Member

JJ,I actually don't have the Pro, just a regular black one. Since it doesn't have a good graphics card, I can't really run FS on it - I tried it once with FS9 just to see and it worked but was quite slow even with all the options down.The only real difference between a bona fide PC and a Bootcamp Mac is that the Mac has EFI firmware instead of a BIOS like PCs do. This is the reason that your date and time will be all screwed up for instance if you boot to XP without an active internet connection to sync the date and time. I can't really see how this could cause the type of issues you're having though. It is a Windows PC in every other respect...

Ryan Maziarz

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Thanks for your reply Ryan,The time issue is now solved with the new OSX 10.5 aka Leopard. It used to drive me crasy with Tiger (OSX 10.4) as I would forget to correct the time when back in Mac mode.J.J.Jean-Jacques StruyfBraine-L'AlleudBelgium

Jean-Jacques Struyf

between EBBR and EBCI

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