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About Tabs

  • Birthday 10/06/1981

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    Music/Guitar, Computers, Aviation

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  1. Nick, What exactly are you asking for when you say "sponsor"? If it's money or free products, in general we tend not to do things like this for the sole reason that we don't want to be seen as picking favorites in the community. If we do it for one, we have to do it for all, etc. Whenever we have sponsored something in the past it's usually a whole organization rather than an individual person - e.g. a VATSIM ARTCC major fly-in where the want to raffle off a plane or something like that.
  2. We do not use DTG's DLC system in Steam, it'll be sold on our website initially and eventually via partners like Aerosoft.
  3. It ended up quite a bit closer to what A2A does in the end versus what RSR had originally said about it - we added a maintenance pop-up for dealing with the effects of engine damage (both MP overboost and high CHT), oil level, water level for the injection system and stuff like that. Treating the engines badly, ignoring icing and so on will negatively affect the airplane. We're all very much looking forward to A2A's Connie here too - that's going to be an amazing product for sure.
  4. As I clicked this thread I was getting ready to lay the smack down. Totally thought this was going to be the latest ridiculous customer conspiracy theory haha. For what it's worth all those dates were the real ones on the airplane we surveyed.
  5. C's wrong.
  6. Thank you Morton, we appreciate the support. Just as an aside, I bought your 737 last week and I'm quite impressed with it, congratulations!
  7. This is seriously incorrect. Just because we can be skeptical of a claim at first doesn't mean there's something nefarious behind that skepticism. I can think of a ton of examples where we were convinced by community evidence to make a change or fix. The 777's FBW issues and terminal procedure VAS leak are two relatively recent examples where we responded with fixes after being presented with verified evidence on the topic. Very few people making comments about the DC-6 have actually piloted one or even flown on one as a passenger. When we have several people with thousands of hours on type telling us we have it right, we tend to believe them. Our company is also owned by someone who has a vast amount of experience with real life radial engine airplanes. Almost all of us on the PMDG team have actually flown in a radial engine airliner as a result - we're not just making stuff up here.
  8. Also just from talking to one of our tech team pilots who flies the real thing, he said it's very dependent on whether the airplane actually has superchargers installed. A lot of the ones still flying today don't have them and thus they tend to stay below the flight levels. If you put the superchargers on high blower in the sim though you can easily go up into the low 20s with it. As Kyle says though, descent planning and how much time you'd actually have at cruise has to factor into whether you want to go up that high.
  9. Really great shots there Rob, shows her off well!
  10. We tried - to do it on the scale of a whole airplane like this is going to take official support from the XP graphics engine.
  11. Do make sure you read the intro and tutorial - it actually can be fairly simple if you use the AFE to do most of the systems dirty work for you.
  12. The core simulation stuff that we run "outside" the sim will port over fine, but X-Plane and FSX/P3D are pretty different in terms of how the aircraft interacts with the sim, so there will definitely be work involved to move it to another platform like that.
  13. Source on that? Here's a Qantas flight from 2011 actually arriving and it looks just like what we've got modeled.
  14. It's really not that we don't "support" DX10 - if you run a vanilla FSX install with DX10 Preview on, the airplanes should work fine, though Kyle is correct about the shortcomings he mentioned above. The real issue comes from the fact that there are all kinds of third party mods being done to the graphics system at this point. We can't possibly be responsible for supporting things that we have no control over - say a change is made to one of those mods and then suddenly we're inundated with support requests about it. That's not a workable situation for us. To give just one example - back when the 777 was released we had a bunch of tickets come in about the VC becoming partially transparent when in 0 visibility conditions. Vin spent a bunch of time trying to figure out what was wrong with the model and we eventually determined that the entire issue was being caused by a shader mod that the people reporting the issue were using. That's completely wasted time for our team if we have to spend it chasing down things that aren't even our issue. Regarding Nvidia Inspector - I think the old recommendations largely still hold. I have a very old computer actually at this point, I really need to upgrade before doing another guide.
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