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About Konterhalbe

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    Pretending to fly aircraft while sitting on an office chair.

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  1. Super strange. I never use live daytime and I think the sim shouldn't change the ingame time, it should just add one minute every 60 seconds... 😄
  2. Can't be, 'cause it happens every 2-3 weeks or so.
  3. What does winter looks like in V2? In V1, there were quite a lot of green edges around the ramp, taxiways and RWY... Also, rabbit approach lights for RWY05 were missing. Have they been added in V2?
  4. Hey there, every 15-20 flights, MSFS resets the sim time by an indefinite amout of time. I have just departed LFLL at sim time 1245z (my local time 1645) and after half an hour (my time 1715), it's 1240z in the sim. A month ago, sim time has changed by 1-2 hours. Anyone else having this and anyone else got this issue? I'm wondering, if I am pressing some keys unintentionally or why this keeps happening? Cheers!
  5. Same! I tried PG and FPS dropped from 30-60 to like 10-15. This was months ago; don't know if PG has still such a significant impact on my sim.
  6. The Fokker 70s and 100s and the Boeing 757.
  7. I got an A20N performance file (for C:\Users\Public\Documents\PFPX Data\AircraftTypes) and an A20N aircraft template (C:\Users\Public\Documents\PFPX Data\AircraftTemplates) to share. Just write me a direct message with your e-mail and I'll share it with you if you want. I did a search but I know know anymore where I got it from.
  8. The scratchpad is another very valuable function of PFPX which SimBrief doesn't offer afaik... My flightplan template is 98% accurate and looks like this: There's everything in it I need. I just copy the whole thing into the scratchpad and modify it a bit to make it perfectly accurate (deleting unnecessary step climbs, paste company NOTAMS, real world NOTAMS and METAR etc.): Cool thing is, from the scratchpad, I can copy the IFR flightplan, paste it on https://my.vatsim.net/pilots/flightplan hit "file flightplan (FPL)" and I can start my flight on VATSIM. Super seamless. If you're interested in my OFP template, here it is: <&b><&Airline[1]> FLIGHTPLAN - IFR <&Airline><&FlightNr> <&Registration> <&From>-<&To> <&b> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL WEIGHTS IN <&WU[1]> (<&WU>) <&#:65>STD <&DepartureDate[5]>/<&STD[1]>Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&Remarks_Begin>******************************************************************************** <&Remarks:80> ******************************************************************************** <&Remarks_End> <&b><&CompanyFlightNr[1]><&Airline><&FlightNr><&b> <&#[2]:20><&Registration>/<&AircraftTypeShort> <&SELCAL> <&#[2]:58>ROUTE:<&RouteName:16/R> DEP: <&From[2]> <&DepRwy> ELEV <&FromElev:5> <&AU> <&IsCostIndex_Begin>COST INDEX: <&InitCruiseSpeed[1]:10> <&IsCostIndex_End><&IsMach_Begin>MACH: <&InitCruiseSpeed[1]:10> <&IsMach_End><&IsFixedSpeed_Begin>CRUISE: <&InitCruiseSpeed[1]:12><&IsFixedSpeed_End> <&#:58>TTL G/C DIST: <&GCDist:5> NM ARR: <&To[2]> <&DestRwy> ELEV <&ToElev:5> <&AU> INIT ALT: <&InitCruiseAlt:9> TTL F/P DIST: <&FPDist:5> NM DEP GATE FUEL BIAS: <&CruiseFuelBias:5/R>% TTL AIR DIST: <&AirDist:5> NM AVG WIND CMP: <&WindComp:5> KT <&Required_Alternate1_Begin>ALT: <&Altn1[2]> <&Altn1Rwy> ELEV <&Altn1Elev:5> <&AU> <&Altn1Dist> NM<&Required_Alternate1_End> <&Required_Alternate2_Begin>ALT: <&Altn2[2]> <&Altn2Rwy> ELEV <&Altn2Elev:5> <&AU> <&Altn2Dist> NM<&Required_Alternate2_End> <&TakeOffAlternate_Begin>T/O: <&TOAltn[2]> ELEV <&TOAltnElev:5> <&AU> <&TOAltnDist> NM<&TakeOffAlternate_End> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&b>CONFIG DOW PAX CARGO TOTAL ULOAD LIM ZFW TOW LDW<&b> <&Configuration:8> <&DOW:6> <&TotalPax:3> <&Cargo:6> <&Payload:6> <&Underload:6> <&UnderloadLimit:3> <&b>MAX<&b> <&MZFW:6> <&MTOW:6> <&MLDW:6> <&b>PLN<&b> <&ZFW:6> <&TOW:6> <&LDW:6> <&b>ACT<&b> ...... ...... ...... <&ATCFlightplan> <&PerformanceSection_Begin> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&TO_Data_Begin>** TAKE-OFF DATA <&From> <&TO_Runway> ** COND: <&TO_Weight> <&WU> // RWY <&TO_RunwayCond> // <&TO_Temperature>°C <&TO_Pressure> <&TO_Wind> // LMT: <&TO_LimitCode> CONFIG: <&TO_Flaps> // <&TO_ThrustSetting> // A/I <&TO_AntiIce> // A/C <&TO_AirCond> SPEEDS: V1=<&TO_V1> VR=<&TO_VR> V2=<&TO_V2> ENG OUT: <&TO_EOSID[9]:70> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&TO_Data_End><&LDG_Data_Begin>** LANDING DATA <&To> <&LDG_Runway> ** COND: <&LDG_Weight> <&WU> // RWY <&LDG_RunwayCond> // <&LDG_Temperature>°C <&LDG_Pressure> <&LDG_Wind> // LMT: <&LDG_LimitCode> CONFIG: <&LDG_Flaps> // A/I <&LDG_AntiIce> // A/C <&LDG_AirCond> SPEEDS: VREF=<&LDG_VREF> VAPP=<&LDG_VAPP> ENG OUT: <&LDG_EOSID[9]:70> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<&LDG_Data_End> <&PerformanceSection_End><&RedispatchSection_Begin> ****************************** <&b>RE-DISPATCH PLANNING<&b> **************************** INIT RELEASE <&From> TO <&RedispatchDestination> SUBJECT TO INFLT RE-DISPATCH ONTO <&To> OVER <&RedispatchFix> FUEL BURN FROM <&From:5> TO <&RedispatchFix:5> <&RedispatchBurnFromDepToFix:6> PLAN REMAINING OVER <&RedispatchFix:5> <&RedispatchFixFuelRemaining:6> ACT REMAINING OVER <&RedispatchFix> ........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQD OVER <&RedispatchFix:5> TO DEST <&To:5> <&RedispatchFuelRequiredFromFixToDestination:6> TO ALTN <&RedispatchDestination:5> <&RedispatchFuelRequiredFromFixToRedispatchApt:6> RD EXTRA FUEL <&RedispatchExtraFuel:6> ******************************************************************************** <&RedispatchSection_End> FUEL CORR ENDUR <&TripFuelCaption:12> <&TripFuel:6> ........ <&TripTime:5> <&ContingencyFuelSection_Begin><&ContingencyFuelCaption:12> <&ContingencyFuel:6> ........ <&ContingencyTime:5><&ContingencyFuelSection_End> <&AlternateFuelSection_Begin><&AlternateFuelCaption:12> <&AlternateFuel:6> ........ <&AlternateTime:5><&AlternateFuelSection_End> <&FinalReserveFuelSection_Begin><&FinalReserveFuelCaption:12> <&FinalReserveFuel:6> ........ <&FinalReserveTime:5><&FinalReserveFuelSection_End> <&HoldFuelSection_Begin><&HoldFuelCaption:12> <&HoldFuel:6> ........ <&HoldTime:5><&HoldFuelSection_End> <&AdditionalFuelSection_Begin><&AdditionalFuelCaption:12> <&AdditionalFuel:6> ........<&AdditionalFuelSection_End> <&MELCDLFuelSection_Begin><&MELCDLFuelCaption:12> <&MELCDLFuel:6> ........<&MELCDLFuelSection_End> <&BallastFuelSection_Begin><&BallastFuelCaption:12> <&BallastFuel:6> ........<&BallastFuelSection_End> <&EROPSFuelSection_Begin><&EROPSFuelCaption:12> <&EROPSFuel:6> ........<&EROPSFuelSection_End> <&MinTakeOffFuelCaption:12> <&MinTakeOffFuel:6> ........ <&MinTakeOffTime:5> ..................................... <&TankerFuelSection_Begin><&TankerFuelCaption:12> <&TankerFuel:6> ........<&TankerFuelSection_End> <&ExtraFuelCaption:12> <&ExtraFuel:6> ........ <&ExtraTime:5> CAPTAINS SIGNATURE (....) <&TaxiFuelCaption:12> <&TaxiOutFuel:6> ........ <&TaxiOutTime:5> <&ReleaseFuelCaption:12> <&ReleaseFuel:6> ........ <&ReleaseTime:5> I ACCEPT THIS OFP AND I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE PLANNED ROUTE AND AERODROMES METAR <&From> METAR <&To> NOTAM <&From> NOTAM <&To> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&From:4> <&b>STD<&b> <&STD>Z/<&STDLocal>L <&b>ETD<&b> <&ETD>Z ACT OFBL .... <&b>EST T/O<&b> <&EstimatedTakeOffTime>Z MEZ OFBL .... <&To:4> <&b>STA<&b> <&STA>Z/<&STALocal>L <&b>ETA<&b> <&ETA>Z ACT ONBL .... <&b>EST LDG<&b> <&EstimatedLandingTime>Z MEZ ONBL .... <&b>SKD<&b> <&ScheduledEET> <&b>PLN<&b> <&PlannedEET> TTL BLCK .... <&b>EST FLT<&b> <&TripTime> TTL FLT .... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&b>END FLIGHTPLAN <&FlightplanID[1]:5> <&Airline><&FlightNr> <&Registration> <&From>-<&To> <&DepartureDate><&b> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWY WAYPOINT MT ALT WND/VEL TAS DIST FUEL REM / USED LEG ACC NAME TMP FREQ GS REM POSITION ETO / ATO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&NavLog_Begin><&SpeedChange_Begin>--- CRUISE AT <&Speed:8/L>--------------------------------------------------------- <&SpeedChange_End> <&ETOPSEntry_Begin>--- ETOPS ENTRY <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> -------------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&ETOPSEntry_End> <&Class2Entry_Begin>--- CLASS II ENTRY <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> ----------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&Class2Entry_End> <&RedispatchFix_Begin>******************************** RE-DISPATCH FIX ******************************* <&RedispatchFix_End><&Awy:8> <&FixIdent:9> <&MT><&Altitude:7/R> <&Wind:7> <&TAS:3> <&LegDist:5> <&FuelRemaining[4]:6> /<&FuelUsed[4]:6> <&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed> <&FIRChange[1]:7> <&FixName:16> <&OAT:3> <&FixFreq:6> <&GS:3> <&DistRem:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&RedispatchFix_Begin>********************************************************************************<&RedispatchFix_End> <&Class2Exit_Begin>--- CLASS II EXIT <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> ----------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&Class2Exit_End> <&ETOPSExit_Begin>--- ETOPS EXIT <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> -------------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&ETOPSExit_End> <&NavLog_End>
  9. I believe @sherv_BBS once said that Bluebird tries to achieve a targeted Q4/2024 release. I've been simming for 20 years now and every single addon that aimed a date x release was delayed and released on day y eventually. Never ever has an aircraft addon been released on a date or timeframe that was communicated more than half a year in advance. The 757 (along side with the Q400) is my most anticipated aircraft addon within the next 12 months and I'd bet a lot of money on a Q1/2025 release (or later) and I won't blame BBS for it. Sherv and his team should take their time to make an addon that can compete PMDG (panel state function, system depth).
  10. +1!! Would love to do ultra short shops like LOWS-LOWW, LOWI-EDDS or LOWI-LSZS or LSZA etc. It just doesn't feel right to fly 20 minute legs in a 737 or A320. 😄
  11. Anyone knows about if this will be a free update for existing customers? If not, I just stick to V1, which is one of the best sceneries in MSFS already.
  12. After reading the whole thread, I'll place my bet on a 787.
  13. What about the big snow exclusion problem underneath the airport? Is it still present in the latest version of FlyTampa EHAM? There's a big area "under" the airport location that doesn't accumulate snow. I guess no one noticed, because there ain't much snow in The Netherlands right?
  14. Really? Which Runways are missing in FlyTampas CYYZ?
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