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How to assing 747 fuel control to joystics buttons

Guest Nakuttaja

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Guest Nakuttaja

How can I assing fuel control 1,2,3,4 to ch products throttle quadrant usb:s buttons? , I have it already working on pmdg 737 but for some reaseon the 747 doesn`t work, is thera something I must do to get them to work?Niko

  • Commercial Member

It's very annoying but we cant map those buttons in the FS9 747. It's a shame but the 747 is very poor for home cockpits... maybe the MD11 will have more options.Rob

Rob Prest


Guest Nakuttaja

But the 737 (every serie) fuel controls work just fine mapped to throttle quadrant, is the 747 so different then? And there is no way over or under this problem?

  • Commercial Member

The only other option I know is a program called key 2 mouse or something like that... never tried it so I don't know if it works. I fly VC 100% of the time with track IR and a 32" LCD so it's not a major issue at the moment with the 744, but I'm hopeing with the MD11 I can add more monitors undock the displays and never touch the keyboard again. But that is just wishfull thinking.Rob

Rob Prest



Key2mouse (http://www.wideview.it/) works just fine for this!Only condition is that the panel (or window if you want) must be visible or active while pushing/switching the buttons.In fact you simulate a mouse-clic and then ofcourse the panel MUST BE visible.I use it for the landing/taxi lights and some other functions.Caution : if you have another window active you could have some strange effects (immagine you simulate a clic on a fuel control switch and for some reason the Com panel is active, you simulate for example the door being locked). Not a problem but in some condition it could!

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