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R4D - Switching between Captain and FO panel caused FS2

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Dear all,I am not sure if there is any thread covered this matter. Recently I download the donationware R4D and install as suggested. I have the problem when I tried to switch between Captain and FO panel. It will cause the FS2002 to shutdown. The file that cause the problem is FS2002.exe itself which is very strange.How could I get it to work properly? Any particular setting required in FS2002?Thank you in advance.Sincerely yours,

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Guest Edd1

I would suggest you un-install and or delete the installation and start anew. I have all versions of the R4D and have never seen that problem. Follow the directions very carefully. If you downloaded the latesr version, R4D_2K2, you must have the previous version already installed.You MUST have 4.0 or 4.1 versions installed in FS2002 or, as the instructions read, you will have a non-flyable Gooney Bird. Good luck. EDD1

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Thank you for the suggestion.I have tried to do so but it still has the same problem. I think it might be affected by the setting in FS2002.cfg. If you don't mind, can you send me the FS2002.cfg that you use? Thanks in advance. My email is st43@le.ac.uk

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Guest IanP

Hello...Can you give a little more information about your problem please? What is the exact error message you are getting when FS crashes? Which version of Windows are you using? Do you get crashes using any other aircraft, or just the R4D?Cheers,Ian P:-halo

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The message from FS is something like there is an error that cause FS2002 to shutdown. There are also the error report sending option and restart option too.I use FS2002 on Win ME Thai version. I have no other problem with any panel apart from:1. Paul Golding's B707 panel when I change the view, the FS2002 crashed because of the incompatibility of GAU files.2. DC-6/DC-7 from calclassic.com. FS2002 closed in the similar way when:- i)I flick the electronic switches in a wrong sequence; ii) I use the spot view to see the aircraft from the outside with engines stop. The patch is released and problem solved for this.

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I had exactly that problem when running the original R4D in FS98 under Win95. I could select either panel at the start but if I tried to switch, the sim shut down. Fortunately everything works just fine in FS2002/WinXP Home.I don't have any solutions, I'm afraid, but thought you might like to hear that your problem isn't unique.Alastair

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Guest IanP

There have been instances with complex panels - including one development one that I know of which never got released at all - where very complex or poor programming results in Windows 9x and ME not being able to run panels simply because the Operating System cannot cope with the amount of processes required.I know for certain that this is not the case with the FS2002 update to Navy 819, because I currently run it, and a lot of Jan's other DC-3s aliased to 819's panel, on a 98SE PC. The next thing to ask therefore is what applications, if any, you have running in the background?virus checkers (I use Norton AV), system monitoring software and the like can easily push your PC over the limit of applications it can run and end up with problems. For some reason, my PC always crashes on ddhelp - other people I know have different applications or modules reported as the cause of the crash.What I would suggest is that you shut down all applications running in the background (but don't forget to re-enable your AV software before going online or reading e-mail!!!) and try it then. See what happens. If you can find it, a program called "EndItAll" is very useful for tracking down "hidden" applications in the background.Ian P.:-halo(Updated to remove silly error... Gnn!)

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Good counsel, Ian. I have just uploaded EndItAll v2 to our support site for all who want it - a very handy little program, indeed. Here 'tis...http://www.fssupport.com/maam_sim/enditall2.zipBill Rambow MAAM-SIM - Rambow, Visser, Banting, and Younghttp://www.fssupport.com/maam_sim/maamsim_logo.gif

Bill Rambow



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>Good counsel, Ian. >>I have just uploaded EndItAll v2 to our support site for all>who want it - a very handy little program, indeed. Here>'tis...>>http://www.fssupport.com/maam_sim/enditall2.zip>>>Bill Rambow> MAAM-SIM - Rambow, Visser, Banting, and Young>>http://www.fssupport.com/maam_sim/maamsim_logo.gif>Bill I just purchased the R4D-6 and I too am experiencing the same problem when switching (trying to switch) between the pilot/co-pilot views. The last time I tried I had shut down every program except Explorer and systray. Started FS2002 at Meigs with the default Cessna killed the engine and switched the battery off. Started the R4D6 selected pilot. Turned on the Battery and Generator switches. Turned on the Mag switches then tried to switch to the co-pilot view, and boom Fs2002 crashed immediately. Previously with my virus scanner running it would take a little time for FS to crash. I have attached (I hope) the files that FS2002 was going to send as a debugging aid. I do realize that since I am using WinMe not much will probably be able to be done to remedy the situation. I would have been a nice heads up if the advertisment stated that some screen swithing problems are very possible when using WinME. I would have still purchased the program but I wouldn't have wasted a lot of time trying to make the screen switching work. I am looking forward to the GMAX version with the VC.http://forums.avsim.com/user_files/10474.txthttp://forums.avsim.com/user_files/10475.txtDon

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"It would have been a nice heads up if the advertisment stated that some screen swithing problems are very possible when using WinME"Nope, I gotta jump in here. I have been running the R4D since the first version hit the street using Win98 and WinMe and have had no problems with it at all. I have since switched to Win XP and still runs fine. I sugest you look into your video drivers version or orther support files (such as DirectX and FSUIPC) as WinMe worked fine for me. One question though. How much main system RAM are you using? There is a little known problem that Win9X and WinMe have with systems having over 512mb of RAM. Randowm crashes and eratic behaviour. It took me 10 days of testing and messing around to get Microsoft to fess up about that problem. I had 768 mb RAM, removed one module (back to 512) and BANG, no more problems. Not sure if this is your problem or not but thought I would mention it.. Mike B.

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Hi Mike I tried pulling out 128Meg of my memory to get down to 512Meg, but I had the same results. When I try to switch between pilot/co-pilot, or the other way around, FS starts some heavy disk access and will fault. I almost looks like the swithcing routine doesn't like my system. If I reload the aircraft by using the R4D and the BFU-DC3 I can choose which seat to load and this seems to work. It is just a bit of a hassle to reload the aircraft to gain access to some of the switches. I am hoping the Gmax version of the R4D will solve some of my problems. The plane is great to fly but I will have to get some earplugs hehe.Don

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Guest Von Muller

Hi there,I am having the same problem but in my case it does not happen every time (~30% of the time), just when the Gremlins in my computer are in a bad mood I guess...I do have a weak PC (onboard P3 550) so I always considered it to be reason for this crash that began with FS2002 - I did not have it in FS2000. But if there are more people out there with non-steam driven computers I think it is worth to give you some info about the saem crash I am experiencing.Oddly enough the number of crashes increased after I have recently purchased my GF4 MX440. I had fewer with my previous Diamond Stealth III S540.If it might help, I do close all other apps. via ctrl+alt+del and leave only Explorer and Systray running. I am using Win98SE as OS and only 256 mB RAM.The symptoms of the crash are the same. Heavy disk acess and FS shuts down. Normally I choose R4D after using a 'cold and dark' default plane to start FS and with everything still off I change pilot and copilot panels. If it does not crash and loads ok I will have a smooth ride with no problems at all regardless of what add ons I start too (FSNav, Flight Max, other apps like notepad, screen rip or whatever).Hope it helps... Cheers,Marcelo M

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