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About rambow

  • Rank
    MAAM-SIM Chief Bottle Washer

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    Laurel, Maryland

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  1. Give the Transparency Fix from our Free Stuff Pages a try. It might do the trick for you. If not, you'll have to hope someone with Win 10 can give you a clue, since I have neither the OS or a clue!
  2. Hi Rich, no problem. Contact me by e-mail so I have your name and e-addr to look up your orders and rejuvenate the links. maam-sim@maam.org
  3. Hi CJ, I think they changed the Water Rudder command keys from FS9 to FSX. That's what we used to activate the window. I don't have any way of looking it up where I am at the moment with my laptop, but my ancient memory seems to recall it's Shift+W now. You can always look it up in the FS controls menu if that does not do it. Cheers, Bill
  4. Hi CJ, The easy way is for me to give you a DL link to the 7th Edition. Shoot me an e-mail with your particulars so I can look your order up on the store database and I'll get it right off to you. maam-sim@maam.org
  5. No conversion, per se, but if you go to the MAAM-SIM Free Stuff Pages you will find a couple of patch files to allow you to use the Turkey in FSX.
  6. Hi Gary. The short answer is yes. You may need to apply the Transparency Fix from our MAAM-SIM Free Stuff Pages .
  7. That exe file is the aircraft installer. Go ahead and run it to re-install the planes to their original state.
  8. The MAAM-SIM CD versions of the R4D and B-25 are no longer produced. You don't need an internet connection to install them, but you do to download the packages. I guess that is a Catch-22. But once you have the installer, it can be saved as a back-up indefinitely, but the DL link itself expires after 48 hours. All the additional content on the CDs is available from our Free Stuff Page.
  9. Never, sorry. Please read the pinned topic, "Question about MAAM-SIM future".
  10. That's a new one on me, Larry. Sorry. Anyone else have an idea?
  11. Try turning off the DX10 preview. The textures are not compatible with it.
  12. Hi Mike, Sorry to hear you are having issues. The v7 B-25 you bought has an auto-installer which locates your FS9 directory automatically and installs it there. Did you allow it to run normally, or did you use some utility to install the package? You purchased the FS9 version. The transparency fix is only needed when using the FS9 version in FSX. Which sim are you using? Tell me a little bit about your computer, especially what OS you are using.
  13. Yes and yes. Just be sure to pay attention to the installation path, which is different for 64bit and needs to be changed from the default path of the installer.
  14. No problem. Just e-mail me at maam-sim@maam.org with your name and particulars so I can look up your order on the store database. I'll send you the FSX DL installer.
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