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HELP! Gorgeous 737 NG panel keeps freezing, arghhhhh!!!!!

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I am having the same problem and it seems so far to be only with this panel.I was going to do some more "sleuthing" tonight,but have been following this thread hoping someone would have the solution.Ron

Bring back Chief Illiniwek!University of Illinois.


OK, I shall re-number the lines and try again.Yeah, FS freezes only with this panel.I got another freeze 4 or 5 months ago with FS using the MelJet 777 with a modified default MSFS 2002 panel for the 777. That must have had a gauge the MJ disliked, and yeah, I've been wondering if there is a gauge among my two thousand that this panel dislikes. But not being too techie, I am stumped for an answer or doing analysis on my own. I haven't added anything recently that was unusual or that failed to work. I have 170 add-on a/c and 40 working panels. I've appreciated your help with this. I guss I shall just have to wait till randazzo's project is completed and he launches his NG line.JS

Guest lamont

Hi Guys:I use this panel without any problems. My O/S is WIN98SE. Hint for turning off the Master Caution Light: Hit Ctrl-D to turn the yaw damper on and the light will go out along with the "FLT CONTR" indicator next to it. For some reason the yaw damper switch on the overhead doesn't work.


Duncan:Thanks, mate, for this useful advice.Interesting news about your OS and panel working well together...Man, the things we do for FS....!JS


OK, everybody, this is it:I've reached the end of the line with this panel and the issues it presents. I give up. I don't have more time or will to deal with it.Thanks to one and all for jumpiung in with good suggestions and info. I love this forum and I've learned a lot over the years. But I've also learned that when something doesn't work fairly promptly after a lot of tweaking, then I personally have gotta chuck it in. So I am doing that--with some regret since this could have been a stunning add-on. Never mind, there's plenty more stuff out there now and with FS2004 comin' down the pike.Thanks again !See you all again, doubtless.JS

Guest Milio_B

"I have been highly suspicious of stuff lately that comes out of S.America, Spain and France.....They just have a different mindset."Mmm this rings a bell...where have I heard this kind of stuff before...oh I know! In xenophobic people! :)

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