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Civil Air Patrol repaint request

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Hi everyone,I am a member of the Civil Air Patrol and an Aerospace Education Officer at a squadron located in South Carolina. As the AEO it's my job to teach the cadets about aviation and since I use FSX to do activities with them I am wondering if someone out there might be willing to do a repaint of the Carenado Cessna 172 and 182 or even the 182RG (preferably the 172 or 182 fixed gear)? This would be a great service since it adds that extra bit of realism to the classes and I'm sure the cadets as well as the pilots of the squadron would really appreciate it.I hope someone will consider this project. Thank you ahead of time.-Sempre Vigilanes!1st Lt. Brett Pilkerton

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Brett ,Was toying with making this paint myself , but both aircraft you mention have limitations concerning this paint scheme . The tail on both is only shown once in the paintkit so any text is mirrored on one side . The Carenado C172N has only one fuselage side so again the CAP logo is reversed too, this applies to the wings also . This makes the paint not feasable as there are too many mirrored sections - you have to choose for no text or mirrored text and neither makes for a realistic paint .The C172R from Flight1 is a better choice but here again , having the wing shown only once in the paintkit means mirrored text or logo's on the wings .John

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Hmm I see, how unfortunate. I forget that many developers are limited by the FSX mirror texture problem. Hopefully there's a solution or at least a happy medium. Thanks anyway!-Brett

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Brett,I would like to make a little correction here.Developers are not limited by a FSX mirror texture problem.FSX does not have such a problem at all.The fact is some developers give the impression really not being interested in repaints at all and by making their models simply neglect the needs of the painters AND users like you.Alltough the Carenado models are very very nice it`s a pity the men from Carenado did not spent some more energy on these models and made all surfaces really good paintable.( wich is technically spoken , no problem whatsoever)So in other words we are not talking about an FSX problem.We are talking about models having (painting-) problems.You might say ,models having problems caused by their developers.Why developers sell this kind of (in my "painter" eyes) incomplete add-ons I really cannot understand.I do not buy such add-ons ( paintwise spoken I hate them ), many others do and thats enough for the vendors to make it profitable, I assume.During the developement of a model the needs of the paintshop should be taken care of from the start.Many developers already do that.Not doing that is a missed chance.Some really good painters ,like John, (http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=&Name=carenado&FileName=&Author=glanville&CatID=root) can create great repaints for these models, within these limitations.Due to these limitations their number stays very limited.Leen


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Thanks for pointing that out Leen , I missed that part of the comment when I read Brett''s reply . I thought my comment was clear enough as I only mentioned the Carenado paintkits in my reply and nothing about FS X itself .@ BrettI was looking again at the Carenado C182 paintkit and it would be possible to paint a CAP version ( but without text on the tailfin ) . I am working on a couple of projects at the moment so cannot start straight away .John

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To Leen,I suppose I misspoke during my first reply, I'm not well versed in how repainting works as I've not tried my own hand and it. Thanks for clearing up some of those points as well, I was not aware of the situation between some of the developers and repainters. I should hope that more developers listen the plea of those members of the flight sim community who continue to contribute long after the initial product has been released. To John,That's good news to hear that the repaint is at least possible, albeit with some things omitted here and there. Such things can always be overlooked as the repaint as a whole would be more than appreciated. I understand you have other projects and I wish you luck on them. Hopefully at some point in time you can try your hand at the repaint. My cadets and I will eagerly be waiting.Thanks.-Brett

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Brett ,As I stated before I was already planning a paint for the C172 , but dropped it when I discovered the amount of mirrored textures .Here are a couple of screenshots ( in FS 9 ) of my progress . The tail is not finished ( some scaling to do there ) aqnd ofcourse there will be no text on the tail . A C206 has the same drawback ( tail only shown once ) but is along these lines possible .cap1i.jpgcap2.jpgcap3w.jpgUploaded with ImageShack.usNo reg as yet - any suggestions ? If you have any interior shots of the cockpit this would also help change the drab green colour scheme supplied by Carenado .John

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Hi John,That repaint looks wonderful! Even without the text on the tail the plane really looks good. As far as an N number try N9678A. The interior is the standard cream color Cessna used for their planes. The photo isn't the exact plane but its similar enough. As far as the tail text, if the "Civil Air Patrol" were included I assume one side would look normal and the other would have the text backwards or flipped (once again I'm new to this)? In any case bravo and thanks, the 172 looks really beautiful! Now we just need someone to make a C182 G1000 so it can get the same paint job and we'll be in business.Thanks!-Brett

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The repaint and screenshots above are for Carenado''s C182 , the reg you gave was for a C172P . The model for thr C1772N is a disaster with all the mirrored surfaces ., so that will not be possible .I have been looking at several photo's of Civil Air Patrol aircraft and there are variations in the way that the aircraft are painted - it isn't just one standard paintjob . Will keep looking .John

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Very nice paint John , very good indeed.Forgive me taking the liberty to make some minor comments ( I know its still WIP).I really cannot help , I became a QC addict due to some commercial activities.The lines on the wing on your paint ( the white ones rather thin I think ) are running over the flaps ( wich probably does not allow you to texturise the stripes over the flaps)The real thing has the striping running over the wings only letting the flaps untouched.This goes for upper and underwingsurface.CAP, I think, has to much spacing between the caracters.The emblem on the tail cannot be done correctly nevertheless I think its so small nobody ( well not many ) will notice it being morrored.( the round emblem I mean )Best regardsLeencivil-air-patrol.jpg


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Right you are, it is the 182. Forgot to check out that back window.:rolleyes:Hmm...I can't think of any C182's N-numbers in my wing... In that case I'd say paint on N397CP. It's a C182T based up at our national HQ. In regards to variations in CAP paint jobs I'd say try looking at the C182T's especially ones with CP in their reg. #'s. They are newer, some right out of Wichita, and are all painted the same. Sorry to hear the 172 paint is such a flop, that's a wag of the finger at Carenado in this instance.

The repaint and screenshots above are for Carenado''s C182 , the reg you gave was for a C172P . The model for thr C1772N is a disaster with all the mirrored surfaces ., so that will not be possible .I have been looking at several photo's of Civil Air Patrol aircraft and there are variations in the way that the aircraft are painted - it isn't just one standard paintjob . Will keep looking .John

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@ Brett ,You certainly know which aircraft to choose , only 1 photo on Airliners,net ( and the same photo on other sites ) !!!Here's an update ( with changes , thanks Leen ) .Still to do : prop tips - red stripes ( the C182T has a 3 bladed propellor - not possible here ) Interior - having fun with that t, he awful green colour keeps showing through , but I have some ideás ( I need to loose the colour not the underlying texture ) . Still not happy with the tailfin - gray stripe should be wider . The black stripe on the underside of the wingtip is not on all aircraft - so leave on or remove ?.397cpa.jpg397cpb.jpg397cpc.jpg397cpe.jpg397cpf.jpg78102175.jpgUploaded with ImageShack.us@ Leen The combination with the CAP seal on the tail is used with the logo shown on the right in the picture above . The paint scheme I have used has either " Civil Air Patrol " or " USAF AUX " on the tailfin .John

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Hi John,You might consider this one.Tail without any extras.This livery is reproduceable without loss of realness.Leen0605007_5.jpglang_solo.jpgWhat was painted "when and where"?100% clear it will never get.


"Non licet omnibus volare cum aquilis" (Azzurro)

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Lol this is getting repetitious John but I'll say it again, wonderful work!Sorry about the N number... I had to do some extensive digging around for a full list of my wings roster of Cessna's but I finally found the form. The one C182Q in my wing (which I believe the Carenado version is) is N759MY. Else wise my wing has two C182T's in N819CP or N635CP. As far as the aforementioned "black stripe" I'd say just skip it since I've not flown in one that has one on it. Good luck with the interior. I share your sentiments with the green, it's rather dated. Looking at the gray stripe in the tail, I'd say you've got it, just make the white lines above and below it a tad wider (like the rest of the fuselage) and you're there.This is great fun watching the progress on this bird. Thanks for posting and for working on this!-Brett

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Hi guys,I mentioned this before ( somewhere else probably)When replying directly to the post above ( or near above) please reply without the quoting part.When quoting always skip the pictures.Leen@JohnGreat job!!


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