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Sun rays in cloudy skies

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I am currently in a full overcast at JFK however I still see the sun's reflection on the aircraft and all other objects around. Is there an option to remove the sun's reflection on objects during overcasts?

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I am currently in a full overcast at JFK however I still see the sun's reflection on the aircraft and all other objects around. Is there an option to remove the sun's reflection on objects during overcasts?
Depends, :( Do you mean reflection as maybe the "envmap" file is producing this effect?If so, try another Environment Mapping Texture for Aircraft Reflection file!

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Hi,Then reflections will be gone in all situations.

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Depends, :( Do you mean reflection as maybe the "envmap" file is producing this effect?
What I mean is that even in cloudy skies (full overcast), the sun would still "shine" on the aircraft therefore creating shadows etc.

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The overall brightness of everything in the sim is controlled by the sky textures, specifically the first 2 pixels in the upper left hand corner of each sky texture .bmp. One pixel controls the highlighting (the sunny side) while the other pixel controls the shadowing (the dark side) of everything. By coloring these pixels with lesser contrasting colors you can darken up the sunny side and brighten up the dark side of everything giving the sim an overall overcast look. Alternately, using highly contrasting colors on these 2 pixels can give the effect of a bright sunny day.Other "lighting things" can be controlled with sky textures too, here's a pic:environment_pixels.jpgGEpro can generate sets of sky textures that are matched to a particular cloud cover, i.e. Overcast, Partly cloudy, Mostly cloudy, etc. It can generate random sets, or it can generate user-adjusted sets based on hue/saturation/contrast settngs that you specify in the "colorize" dialog. Without GEPro you're stuck with editing 140 sky texture .bmps manually (which can be automated with a macro in PhotoShop). Another option would be to simply try out some of the hundreds of freeware sky textures in the file libraries and see if you can find a set that give you the kind of lighting you desire.Jim

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Guest F4PhantomRAAF2

I don't know if anyone had noticed but FS9 as well as FSX have no shadows from clouds. I wish this was modeled.Daniel

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