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AI Weirdness in ATL

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Hi All,After growing frustrated with the jerkiness of FSX (even with good framerates), I fired up FS9 for the first time in years and have really been enjoying plane-spotting with AI Traffic set at 100% and getting a butter-smooth 60 fps. Using the WoAI Delta pack (among others) at the default ATL airport, I have noticed something strange. Every once in a while (sometimes very often), I'll notice that the arriving AI aircraft are rolling across the ground as they come into the airport. I haven't yet determined where/when they touch down... but it's obviously well short of the the runways. Has anyone else experienced this behavior with AI traffic? I know that AI traffic has always had "a mind of its own" and ATL has a huge number of aircraft at 100%; but I've never noticed this behavior before. Would this be resolved by reducing the amount of traffic... or is it a problem with some of the WoAI flight models? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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It happens with all AI aircraft once in a while, especially soon after loading the airport. The planes are loaded at their cruise altitudes, make a crash dive to their approach altitude, and cannot pull up in time. Once they hit the ground they travel along it until they reach the runway. FS bug.Hope this helps,

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Thanks Tom. Now that you mention it... it does appear to be more common right after the scenario is loaded.

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It happens with all AI aircraft once in a while, especially soon after loading the airport. The planes are loaded at their cruise altitudes, make a crash dive to their approach altitude, and cannot pull up in time. Once they hit the ground they travel along it until they reach the runway. FS bug.Hope this helps,
You know, I've never seen that happen but for some sick reason I want to!!! Maybe only once or twice that is :)Mark

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Does this relate to AI planes touching down (on the runway) and immediately vanishing? I've seen that occasionally just after loading.a new flight.

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I think the vanishing issue on arriving aircraft is related to parking space availability. If memory serves, an arrival will vanish if there is no free gate or ramp spot at the airport.

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Immediately vanishing upon touching the runway was an issue related to the AIA MD-8X model/ flight dynamics and is not general enough to apply to all computers. There are some things to try in this thread on the old AIA forum - http://forums.ai-aardvark.com/showthread.php?t=5605&page=2&highlight=disappear+touchdownNote - using aircraft following tools such as Traffic View Board or the follow capability of the Traffic Tool Box SDK Explorer - will increase the likely hood of a marginal aircraft disappearing.AI aircraft which disappear on the runway at about 30 knots is due to no available parking on the airport for an aircraft that size or larger.AI aircraft which disappear just after taxi off the runway when they contact ground is also due to a lack of parking.The parking assignment is made on the runway when the plane transitions from flight mode to ground mode of operations - a phase called rollout by Microsoft. It is possible to have two, or more, aircraft assigned to the same parking spot, the last available parking spot if you have landings on multiple runways. When the aircraft reaches a hold-short node after exiting the runway - the parking assignment is confirmed. If two aircraft were assigned to the same spot, the first aircraft to a hold short node gets the spot - the second aircraft to a hold short node gets assigned to a different parking spot - if one is available.

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