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MD11 FMS level change

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Hi all,

I did (well, tried to) my first flight in the MD11(X). Starting C/D, I did everything following the tutorial. I made a mistake and assigned FL360 initial. I couldn't even climb that high, and wanted to keep FL340. But the A/P never switched to CRZ, so I was trying to modify the Cruise altitude to FL340, but I couldn't find out how. I activated the sec FPL and FS crashed :( I'm sure there's a workaround. How can I change the FL in the FMS? This should work also for cruise climb, unless there's another way I haven't found out yet.




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If the MD-11 is at FL340 and 34000 is in the altitude window on the FCP I would change the value on L5 of the F-PlAN INIT 1/3 to 340 by entering that value in the scrach pad and line selecting it to L5.


Michael Cubine

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My thought, but it gave me an error. It seems that page can't be modified in flight

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Was the MD-11 at FL340 and was 34000 in the altitude window on the FCP. It can't be climbing to FL340. It has to be at FL340. I think when I have entered an altitude on the F-PLAN INIT page I receive a message "INVALID ENTRY" unless the plane is level at the altitude I am going to enter.


Michael Cubine

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Exactly. I was flying level at FL340, but I had inserted in the INIT page FL360. So the engines remained at CL thrust, and the FMS was calculating everything from FL360. Copied and pasted in the Secondary F-plan it worked, I could give it the new levels I wanted, but when I activated it FSX crashed.

Assuming this is a novice error I'll try not to make again, how do you behave with step climbs? Where do you insert your next flight level? Is it all automatic? I mean, if in the INIT page I set 360/400 in the FL's will it tell me automatically when I have to climb and set the FMS accordingly?


Thanks a lot



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As far as I know if you pull the speed selector and then hit the speed button within 5 seconds the FMS changes to the speed turned in by the pilot. I know this is for the speed selector, however it might also work for the alt selector. Maybe try to pull it and then to hit PROF within 5 seconds.

For step climb you enter your desired climb levels in in the INIT page. E.g: 340/360/380

The FMS will then know when you can do the climb and show it in the flight plan and base performance calculations on that.

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That page can definitely be changed in flight.


This is the way you update the cruise level and it should have solved your problem. I've done it before myself and I didn't have to be at the new level.


Please post a screen shot of the FMS with 340 in the scratchpad just before you press the LSK button and maybe something will stand out.


Good luck


Clark Janes


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New idea. Did you remember to pull the Baro knob to reset the altimeter to standard pressure? If you didn't then you can't be sure you were at FL340. If you were really above FL340 then the FMS probably doesn't want you entering a new CRZ level below your current altitude.


Also, check the MAXFL on the Init page. If for some reason it is below FL340, then the FMS would probably reject 340 unless (maybe) it was a CRZ step-up like 320/340 etc...



Clark Janes


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Thank you all for your advices. I was able to complete a flight last night (preparing a new one right now :) ) and, even though I set the CRZ correctly, I tried changing it in the INIT page and it worked. I don't know what was wrong the previous time. It seemed strange I couldn't do such an elementary task. Now I have to understand how the "prof" works, it climbed like a rocket and never reached the CLB TH automatically. Going through the tutorial again :)




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If you arm PROF before T/O the aircraft will reduce to climb thrust when you reach the altitude set in the FMC for climb thrust. If you dont arm PROF before T/O, you need to select PROF or Level Change above 400 feet to arm the reduction to climb thrust.

Peter Schluter

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