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About pschlute

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  1. Try the wiew menu in the sim. Change to windowed mode then exit the sim.
  2. I would like to help further if you want to work with me?
  3. Then google it. I asked what bit of the explanation you didnt understand and you tell me nothing.
  4. First, the paragraph is not entirely correct. In VNAV PATH the FMC uses pitch control to maintain a vertical path, but it will also apply thrust if the speed drops below the target speed. Now to your question, what exactly are you not understanding ? PATH is like following a line drawn in the sky from cruise FL to the airport (or an intermediate waypoint) SPEED is totally different as it is a descent which follows a constant IAS (well usually a constant MACH followed by a constant IAS)
  5. You will find this of interest http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/aero_23/737-700Bhutan_story.html
  6. ifly may not "officially" support win8.1, but you will get more help asking on and searhing their own forum.
  7. You can set up a joystick button through FSUIPC so that when pressed it sends the "B" keypress to the sim.
  8. Your first problem sounds like a duplicate afcad. Have you checked ? Was the new afcad specifically designed for the aerosoft scenery ? It needs to be for it to work. The aerosoft product comes with 4 different afcads which you can select using the aerosoft software.
  9. I have 3700 ai a/c and 600,000 legs in the flightplans. The sim is not processing all those at once. Any decent computer should be able to run that.
  10. Are you using the FS9.1 nocd patch ? If so did you apply the 4gb patch after you replaced the nocd patch ? Have you checked your AV quarantine folder ? Made sure that all your FS9 installation is excepted from AV scanning?
  11. Have you tried the 4gb patch ? I used it when I ran winXP and it helped a lot. I have patched FS9.1 in my win7 64bit setup and don't get crashes. It may not solve your problem but it is worth a try. Google "FS9 4gb patch large address aware"
  12. I use both. The Saitek has more (longer) movement in the axes, which will give you more precice throttle settings, but the CH is good enough to be honest. I use the middle 4 axes on the CH for throttles and the outer ones for flaps and spoilers. The CH has an idle detente and behind that a reverse axis which when set up with FSUIPC gives good control of reverse thrust. The Saitek has a reverse setting but this ony acts as a button....ie on or off. The CH unit has 6 two way rocker switches which I assign to autopilot MCP buttons. I have had the CH unit for a number of years and it is still working well. I got the Saitek yoke and throttle combo about a year and a half ago. The main reason was for the yoke which I prefer to the CH yoke. I use the Saitek throttle unit axes for landing gear and changing panel views and the switches for MCP functions. Hope this helps.
  13. FS9 GPS has nothing to do with the FMC of the 737. You cannot open doors with FMC.
  14. Check your folder settings in widows and make sure you have "show hidden files" selected. Also right click your FS9.exe and make sure that is not "hidden" or "read only"
  15. The ACT F-PLN page 2 will show winds based on your entry on the F-PLN INIT page. If you want to add specific winds for waypoints during your cruise, Press the right LSK (with the scratchpad empty) to bring up the revision page, where you can add wind in the format Flight Level/wind direction in degrees/wind strength.
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