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Scenery Issue with canUK Calgary (CYYC)

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Well, I've reinstalled, Removed exactly what's shown and I have 465. Arslan, you have 469, Robert, you have 462. What's missing??


I hope we can come to a solution! Calgary misses me! And it's such an amazing scenery, I hate that it's not being put to good use :-(


Let's work together. 


Arslan, what do your actual scenery folder for the scenery look like?

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I have reinstalled and I have the same exclude files as Arslan does.  And now I have 469 files in my CYYC\Scenery folder which includes Nigel's FSX fix (4 .bgl's).  I set FTX Central to North America and placed the CYYC scenery above all entries and now it displays properly.  If I had FTX Central set to Global it would show the airport as in post #13.  All is good now.


@cdnavi8r what is the issue with your CYYC scenery?

\Robert Hamlich/


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I'll have to check my configs. I have 469 files in there now, but what do I need to do if I have FTX Global, and PNW...

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I'll have to check my configs. I have 469 files in there now, but what do I need to do if I have FTX Global, and PNW...

If you want CYYC to appear as it should (like post #13) set FTX Central to PNW or North America depending on which Orbx installation you have and make sure to move the active CYYC scenery entry to the top of the scenery library in FSX. 

\Robert Hamlich/


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Glad it works for you Robert.


cdnavi8r, if you have the PNW dosent affect YYC as its in NRM, if you have NRM you should use Nigel's Fix then use this fix http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/27147-canuk-calgary-intl-cyyc-compatibility-with-ftx-northern-rockies/.


Supposing that you have the same issue that we have faced me, Robert & others that have the same issue, if you've got a different problem, we might help you if we can see a screen.

Arslan Nouar

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I can't get into the forums with the link provided.



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You're right I have Global, PNW, and NRM. If I could have it look like post 14 from you, Arslan, I'd be a very happy camper and would be greatful to you.


In FTX Central, should FTX Global be checked, and hybrid more too?

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I can't get into the forums with the link provided.



Sorry, we couldn't find that!


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You're right I have Global, PNW, and NRM. If I could have it look like post 14 from you, Arslan, I'd be a very happy camper and would be greatful to you.


In FTX Central, should FTX Global be checked, and hybrid more too?

That's right, you have to register and sign in to see the Orbx FTX Support Forum.


Calgary is part of the FTX NRM region so you should activate that if you are flying to and from CYYC, that will disable Hybrid, Trees and Vector Lights anyway in FTX Central then CYYC will look like Arslan's picture in #14.


If you set FTX Central to Global then CYYC will look like post #13, I am currently awaiting an answer from the Orbx team to see if there is a fix so CYYC appears normal when Global is active.


Arlsan, thanks again for all your help, your efforts have been noticed.

\Robert Hamlich/


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Here is message quoted;




Hi all,

CanUK offers a custom CYYC low-cost payware scenery: http://www.fsnb.ca/canuk/index.html

Originally made for FS2004 it has been updated by Nigel Grant to work in FSX; see http://www.fsnb.ca/C.../cyyc/cyyc.html

The scenery can be found at Flightsim.com - http://www.flightsim.com/ - by searching the file library for "CYYC" and then downloading "FS2004 Scenery--CYYC Demo" (cyycdemo.zip) and "FSX Scenery--Calgary International Airport (cyyc_fsx.zip)" . Unlocking the demo restrictions requires contacting CanUK and submitting Paypal payment of CAD13.99.

Even with Nigel's adjustments in place the add-on is not fully compatible with FTX Northern Rockies. However, deactivating the land class folder and removing a few files does a pretty good job of allowing one to use the two add-ons together:

* in your FSX scenery library menu deactivate the "CanUK_CYYC_LC" entry. Also make sure that the "CanUK_CYYC" entry is at higher display priority (=above) the FTX block of entries.

* navigate to \CanUK_CYYC\scenery and deactivate (by renaming from .bgl to .OFF) or remove into a separate folder (e.g., named "ORBX FTX NRM") the following files:

The screenshots below were taken with NRM and the adjusted CanUK CYYC along with MyTraffic X AI traffic activated.

Cheers, Holger
Attached Thumbnails


In FTX Central, FTX Global must be checked, and hybrid more too this is only if you want to use FTX NA over Global & obviously you do, the most important is that CYYC is set at a higher priority.


Will shot my files & post that for ya.

Arslan Nouar

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You are welcome Robert, also if you are interested here is a modified BGL with the ILS 10 (IGY 110.55Mhz) added as well as the edge lights.




@ cdnavi8r

here are som shots that might help you for my scenery folder.



Good luck!

Arslan Nouar

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