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Back from a very long break - addon advice

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Havn't really touched FSX for what must be near 2 years now due to giving up on crashes/errors/poor performance. Did have one very short session trying out DX10 when the Fixer came out but that was short lived.


Bought components last night and should have my new PC up and running within a few days. Specs are:


i7 4790k 4.0Ghz

Z97X-Gaming 5 mobo.

G.skill 8GB 2400Mhz



Have a 120GB Samsung 840 evo SSD which i'll be sticking FSX and all addons on. Windows will be installed on my WD velociraptor 300GB. Will also overclock the processor (though it will be my first time).


What i'm wondering is what the main addons that are now used for people flying airliners? Previously I used PMDG's 737NGX with REX, UTX and GEX, along with MyTraffic X and Aerosoft/UK 2000 airports.


I've had a look at Orbx products and they look great. FTX Global, FTX Global Vector and FTX Global openLC Europe along with their individual scenery regions. Are these the preferred addons now? I'm not really sure on what the difference is between the individual region packs and FTX Global openLC Europe though - is it just a more accurate representation of real life?


Also, is REX still the most popular weather addon used? REX overdrive was just being released at the time I pretty much stopped using FSX.


Finally, what is the consensus on DX10? Is it much improved over DX9?


Appreciate any input

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DX10 better than DX9 - my opinion is Yes.


Best weather - Active Sky Next (ASN)


New airliners - PMDG 777 (weather radar intergration with ASN).

                        Majestic Dash 8 - Q400.


As for ORBX over UTX/GEX - I just switched and I think it looks better but no performance improvement....may perform worse.


REX4 - Still the go to for textures above the ground.

Mark   CYYZ      


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DX10 better than DX9 - my opinion is Yes.


Best weather - Active Sky Next (ASN)


New airliners - PMDG 777 (weather radar intergration with ASN).

                        Majestic Dash 8 - Q400.


As for ORBX over UTX/GEX - I just switched and I think it looks better but no performance improvement....may perform worse.


REX4 - Still the go to for textures above the ground.


Appreciate your input.


Will check out ASN - that's a new one for me.

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I have the same specs as u expect I have the GTX 780 3gig, I have PMDG 737 and FTX au regions and Au Airports also have FTX Global and Vector couldn't be happier


Running DX 10 with Steve DX 10 fixer and FSX.cfg tweaks and also tweaks in the Nvidia inspector set, Getting amazing performance

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I'd recommend 'set and forget' with :-


  • FTX Global BASE (global world textures)
  • FTX Global VECTOR (coastlines, roads and rivers; doesn't sound exciting but makes a HUGE improvement, especially the coastlines).
  • FTX Global OpenLC Europe (landclass detail and additional region-specific textures, for Europe).
  • FS Global (2010 or onwards) - terrain mesh.






Then for airports, reinstall your UK2000s (I own 'em all and love 'em too), and get anything and everything from FlyTampa, Taxi2Gate, PacSim, and later / recent products from Aerosoft (Eg, Thessaloniki, Skiathos, Helsinki, Lisbon, Oslo v2, Bergen v2, etc.   Avoid old sceneries from Aerosoft like Amsterdam and Paris - they're poorly optimized and poor performers, compared to the newer (far visually superior) ones.


For aircraft, the best out there now in my opinion in the Majestic Q400, with the PMDG NGX a close second.   PMDG have a fantastic 777 out but beware it is a VAS (Virtual Address Space) memory hog, and although frame rates are good, you may well get OOM (Out Of Memory) errors if you fly it to/from addon sceneries, or on longer flights.    For this reason I don't use it a lot, but when it's working, it's stunning.    Aerosoft Airbus Extended A320 is also superb, and they are releasing a A318/A319 package on Monday.


Have fun, and enjoy your new rig.

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I have the same specs as u expect I have the GTX 780 3gig, I have PMDG 737 and FTX au regions and Au Airports also have FTX Global and Vector couldn't be happier


Running DX 10 with Steve DX 10 fixer and FSX.cfg tweaks and also tweaks in the Nvidia inspector set, Getting amazing performance



Done a fair bit of research when choosing the components. I'm looking forward to getting this all up and running now.


Thanks for your input.



I'd recommend 'set and forget' with :-


  • FTX Global BASE (global world textures)
  • FTX Global VECTOR (coastlines, roads and rivers; doesn't sound exciting but makes a HUGE improvement, especially the coastlines).
  • FTX Global OpenLC Europe (landclass detail and additional region-specific textures, for Europe).
  • FS Global (2010 or onwards) - terrain mesh.






Then for airports, reinstall your UK2000s (I own 'em all and love 'em too), and get anything and everything from FlyTampa, Taxi2Gate, PacSim, and later / recent products from Aerosoft (Eg, Thessaloniki, Skiathos, Helsinki, Lisbon, Oslo v2, Bergen v2, etc.   Avoid old sceneries from Aerosoft like Amsterdam and Paris - they're poorly optimized and poor performers, compared to the newer (far visually superior) ones.


For aircraft, the best out there now in my opinion in the Majestic Q400, with the PMDG NGX a close second.   PMDG have a fantastic 777 out but beware it is a VAS (Virtual Address Space) memory hog, and although frame rates are good, you may well get OOM (Out Of Memory) errors if you fly it to/from addon sceneries, or on longer flights.    For this reason I don't use it a lot, but when it's working, it's stunning.    Aerosoft Airbus Extended A320 is also superb, and they are releasing a A318/A319 package on Monday.


Have fun, and enjoy your new rig.



'Set and forget' suits me well.


Thanks for explaining the differences between the different addons.


Can I assume that the individual FTX regions (eg Scotland) have better detail than FTX Global OpenLC Europe, and that I can combine both these products together?


The UK2000 airports were a pleasure to use back when I used to fly on FSX. I'll keep your comments about Aerosoft's airports in mind too, probably pick up one of the ones you've mentioned.


Can I ask what weather and traffic program you use?


Appreciate your input.

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Hey Enji,


Most are into ASN (Active Sky Next) at the moment; a lot because the PMDG 777 interacts with it.   I don't use it though, I tried the demo but I vastly prefer OpusFSX.    As well as the best looking weather visuals I've ever had, I also get dynamic head movement effects, custom camera views, etc, all in one integrated single package.      


For traffic;  I'm not hugely in to AI traffic but I do like to see the odd airliner in a convincing livery here and there;   I picked up Traffic 360 in a sale at Just flight for £5.     Does the job well and was a bargain at that price. 


I own all of the FTX EU regions but to be honest I don't have them installed now.    It just adds an unnecessary complexity IMHO.   FTX Global with OpenEU Europe actually has some newer texture palettes in some areas, and some believe, looks better then the EU regions in some areas.     What you won't get as many of with Global is custom objects from some cities and areas.    but I always tend to think they stick out, and look gimmicky.    


The coastline depiction in FTX Global/Vector/LC certainly is as good as with the EU regions.   And with the LC in place, there really is not a lot of difference.    I get far better frames in England (and especially London) with FTX Global / Vector and OpenEU, than I do with FTX ENG also.

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Hey Enji,


Most are into ASN (Active Sky Next) at the moment; a lot because the PMDG 777 interacts with it.   I don't use it though, I tried the demo but I vastly prefer OpusFSX.    As well as the best looking weather visuals I've ever had, I also get dynamic head movement effects, custom camera views, etc, all in one integrated single package.      


For traffic;  I'm not hugely in to AI traffic but I do like to see the odd airliner in a convincing livery here and there;   I picked up Traffic 360 in a sale at Just flight for £5.     Does the job well and was a bargain at that price. 


I own all of the FTX EU regions but to be honest I don't have them installed now.    It just adds an unnecessary complexity IMHO.   FTX Global with OpenEU Europe actually has some newer texture palettes in some areas, and some believe, looks better then the EU regions in some areas.     What you won't get as many of with Global is custom objects from some cities and areas.    but I always tend to think they stick out, and look gimmicky.    


The coastline depiction in FTX Global/Vector/LC certainly is as good as with the EU regions.   And with the LC in place, there really is not a lot of difference.    I get far better frames in England (and especially London) with FTX Global / Vector and OpenEU, than I do with FTX ENG also.


Really appreciate your input again.


I was thinking about purchasing just one FTX region (Scotland) since that's where I live. It would be nice seeing the individual buildings within Edinburgh and Glasgow. Outside of here, I wouldn't really have any idea what other places are like, so the LC would suffice. That was my initial thoughts, anyway.


I'll have a look at OpusFSX. The effects I used before were done through EZdok - the bumps/head movement affect during takeoffs/landings were a very nice feature. EZdok didn't have the most friendly user interface/setup though.




Long story short: FTX, ASNext, REX4 ;)


Appreciate your input.


Am I right in that you use only REX 4 Texture Direct HD?


Thanks again.

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Cool, well the head movements that you used to get from EZDOK are very similar to those you get from Opus.   Some prefer the newer Opus engine, and others still prefer Ezdok for head movements.  I prefer Opus but there's not a lot in it.    But....... When you consider things like VAS, memory and frames, it is surely better to only be running one program for both weather and custom cameras / dynamic head movement.        That's one of the things I love about Opus;  you set it up the way you want it once, then you set it up to start automatically with FSX, then there's nothing to do.    There's none of this starting 4 or 5 different programs, before you start FSX and go flying. :smile:

Yes, you'll certainly get some nice custom objects and landmarks with FTX Bonny Scotland.   Actually, I rate FTX Scotland as the best of all the EU regions that Orbx made.

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Cool, well the head movements that you used to get from EZDOK are very similar to those you get from Opus.   Some prefer the newer Opus engine, and others still prefer Ezdok for head movements.  I prefer Opus but there's not a lot in it.    But....... When you consider things like VAS, memory and frames, it is surely better to only be running one program for both weather and custom cameras / dynamic head movement.        That's one of the things I love about Opus;  you set it up the way you want it once, then you set it up to start automatically with FSX, then there's nothing to do.    There's none of this starting 4 or 5 different programs, before you start FSX and go flying. :smile:


Yes, you'll certainly get some nice custom objects and landmarks with FTX Bonny Scotland.   Actually, I rate FTX Scotland as the best of all the EU regions that Orbx made.


Will keep your comments in mind.


Great to hear about FTX Scotland too!

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