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Why P3D?

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Ive got FSX running fairly smooth with my new desktop.


Before I go Ape crazy with addon purchases for FSX can someone tell me why I should look to P3D?


Are frame rates and smoothness better.


Are terrain features better and better rendered and modeled.


Are the default airports better than FSX


here are my specs.

MOBO Asus M5A97

Ram     8G

CPU AMD Vishera 4.2 4530 QC

Video      Nvidia EVGA GTX 750ti

PSU        450Watts





Intel I7 6700 4.0 CPU Western Digital Caviar 1TB SATA 6.0Gb/s Hard Drive  16GB DDR4 Crucial RAM. Corsair 750 Watt PSU.



Constant development is the main reason


P3D is essentially a highly polished FSX with moar eye candy!

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 64GB 6000 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |




Are frame rates and smoothness better. YES by a long shot


Are terrain features better and better rendered and modeled. YES IMO


Are the default airports better than FSX. NO


... and what Ryan said :smile:


Any response will of course be subjective, but for me, I recently moved form FSX to P3Dv3, and the following improvements seen are really noticeable, and justified the move (for me) :-

- Memory Management (VAS); staggeringly better than FSX of P3D2.X

- Visualization; I'll not attempt to get technical as I'd be out of my depth but rendering and lighting is improved.

- Avatar Mode; to some it's a gimmick, but I love it!

- FPS and smoothness increase;  it's not transformational in this regard, but noticeable enough to improve every flight. The PMDG NGX performs staggeringly well in P3Dv3 for me, as compared to FSX.

- Current platform;  nice to be on the latest version.


UK LAPL-A (Formerly NPPL-A and -M)


Any response will of course be subjective, but for me, I recently moved form FSX to P3Dv3, and the following improvements seen are really noticeable, and justified the move (for me) :-


- Memory Management (VAS); staggeringly better than FSX of P3D2.X

- Visualization; I'll not attempt to get technical as I'd be out of my depth but rendering and lighting is improved.

- Avatar Mode; to some it's a gimmick, but I love it!

- FPS and smoothness increase;  it's not transformational in this regard, but noticeable enough to improve every flight. The PMDG NGX performs staggeringly well in P3Dv3 for me, as compared to FSX.

- Current platform;  nice to be on the latest version.


The only thing I find useless in V3 is the Zombie mode---- whoops --- Avatar mode. Got sick of seeing the screen shots of people that look like they died a week ago and forgot to fall over.   I disabled it...  :nea:


BOBSK8             MSFS 2020  iFly 738Max, PMDG 777    ,PMDG 737-600-800 Fenix A320, FSLTL , TrackIR ,  Avliasoft EFB2  ,  Beyond  ATC  , Flightsim First  Officer 

A Pilots LIfe V2-L3 ,  CLX PC , Auto FPS, ACTIVE Sky FS,  PMDG DC6 , A2A Comanche, , Milviz C 310




just made my first proper flight in p3dv3 since about 8 months off.


All I can say is, now I know why pilots have love hate relationship with the sun during cruise, and always carry sun glasses. Been simming for years and remebr all the gimmick sun covers in PMDG, but nearly reached for my sun glasses in sunset flight, in conjunction with asx rex just amazing.


Delete FSX, don't even bother with it anymore.

  • Upvote 1

To answer your questions:


Are frame rates and smoothness better. My frame rates are 30 in FSX compared to 20 (dropping to 15 in clouds) in P3D. P3D is smoother, however.
Are terrain features better and better rendered and modeled. Where I fly (Vancouver Island) the terrain looks identical (same mesh with same vector data).
Are the default airports better than FSX. The airports I have seen were all identical in both sims.


To answer your questions:


Are frame rates and smoothness better. My frame rates are 30 in FSX compared to 20 (dropping to 15 in clouds) in P3D. P3D is smoother, however.


Are terrain features better and better rendered and modeled. Where I fly (Vancouver Island) the terrain looks identical (same mesh with same vector data).


Are the default airports better than FSX. The airports I have seen were all identical in both sims.


What about lighting, shadows, etc. vs FSX and FSX or FSX-SE with DX10 Fixer ?

Mark   CYYZ      



What is the VAS management like in FSX : Steam Edition? The VAS management in P3D v3 is light years beyond anything I experienced in either FSX (DX9 or DX10 mode) and earlier versions of P3D.

Christopher Low

Intel i5 7600K CPU @ 4.3 Ghz / 32GB DDR4-4200 RAM @ 3600 Mhz / 6GB Nvidia GTX 980Ti GPU

UK2000 Beta Tester



To answer your questions:


Are frame rates and smoothness better. My frame rates are 30 in FSX compared to 20 (dropping to 15 in clouds) in P3D. P3D is smoother, however.




I appreciate this is your experience, but I truthfully don't think this is typical for the vast majority of users.


UK LAPL-A (Formerly NPPL-A and -M)


I think that's about right - I've got an older system and FSX gives me slightly higher fps . But there's one big difference - the eye candy is much higher in P3D. Also if you have a more powerful rig P3D can really take advantage of it.

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 64GB 6000 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |




To give you an idea, I am obsessed with the 767. Thus the only option I have is to fly it in FSX because Level D won't patch it. So I spent about 6 hours reinstalling FSX and the Level D along with my basic FSX needs, OrbX global, aircraft, scenery I was going to use, Real Environment Xtreme, Dx10 fixer.


After spending all that time I went to fly. The FPS was so terrible, the lagging, the visual inferiority just killed the experience for me. I took off and 10 minutes into the flight I ended the flight and uninstalled everything.


I'll stick with the 777 and P3DV3


Follow me on : Instagram

See my Trailer: A Year Of Flight


To give you an idea, I am obsessed with the 767. Thus the only option I have is to fly it in FSX because Level D won't patch it. So I spent about 6 hours reinstalling FSX and the Level D along with my basic FSX needs, OrbX global, aircraft, scenery I was going to use, Real Environment Xtreme, Dx10 fixer.


After spending all that time I went to fly. The FPS was so terrible, the lagging, the visual inferiority just killed the experience for me. I took off and 10 minutes into the flight I ended the flight and uninstalled everything.


I'll stick with the 777 and P3DV3

Did you try Estonia migration Tool with the 767?   It sounds like people have it working?  http://board.flightsim.ee/search?Search=level+d

10700k / Gigabyte 3060


What is the VAS management like in FSX : Steam Edition? The VAS management in P3D v3 is light years beyond anything I experienced in either FSX (DX9 or DX10 mode) and earlier versions of P3D.


I have FSX-SE with DX10 Fixer and the VAS management is excellent.  I have never had an OOM with the latest release.  FSX-SE does the same thing as P3D V3 by releasing the used scenery to reclaim VAS.  I am sure they are somewhat different in how effectively or agressively each program does this but they both do it and it works.

  • Upvote 1

Mark   CYYZ      



Yes. I have successfully installed it on P3D v3. The issue I have is that worn W10 there is a micro stutter every time in press a button on P3D. So that is the only issue I have that makes me no able to fly it.



Did you try Estonia migration Tool with the 767? It sounds like people have it working? http://board.flightsim.ee/search?Search=level+d


Follow me on : Instagram

See my Trailer: A Year Of Flight

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