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Windows 10 and ShadowPlay causing 100% CPU utilization

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nVidia Titan X (361.43)


I've been having odd issues with long pauses (not stutters, but 1 second pause).  I did my usual diagnostics thinking it was a Problem with P3D and/or some add-on, but came up empty handed.


I did more flights and recordings with ShadowPlay ... then I noticed an issue with my ShadowPlay recording icon (Green icon in lower right) ... after manually stopping the recording the green icon stayed on for a couple of seconds, then changed to green with red slash thru it, then finally goes away (5-7 seconds for it to cycle).  Curious I went to my capture folder to see if the recorded file was there and it wasn't ... hmmm ... no recording at all (check SSD space, plenty at 603GB free).


I bring up Process Explorer and see that NVSPCAPS64.EXE is maxing out my core 0 at 100% utilization ... (keep in mind at just at desktop, not much going on, nothing being recorded).  So I restart the service (NVSPCAPS64.EXE) and my CPU utilization drops to almost nothing ... culprit FOUND!


I can't say for sure if it's ShadowPlay that triggers the 100% CPU utilization state or if it's just a bug in nVidia's Capture Server or a Windows 10 bug.  The issue ONLY happens with Win10 64bit - I'm unable to duplicate the issue on my Win7 box.


So if you are experiencing strange pauses (not stutters) in P3D and/or get sudden frame jumps, check your NVSPCAPS64.EXE.  


NOTE: I've posted on nVidia driver feedback forum, but I wasn't able to find many others having this problem, so if anyone else is having a problem with Win10 and ShadowPlay please let me know.


Cheers, Rob.



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Hi Rob,


I have done a couple of recordings lately and did not notice any problems but i will test later.


On the other hand i have an issue with my microphone. I can only hear my self on the recordings when the engines or ingame sound is not running. Its like its getting fading away. Not nice if you want to explain during flight. Shadowplay shows microphone+ingame recording for sounds.


So my FS2crew commands is not heard but the answers from the F/O is loud and clear  :smile:


Any suggestions to this ?


I will be back with your issue


Michael Moe

Michael Moe




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Any suggestions to this ?


On-board audio?  I'm able to record Line-IN from my other PC when in flight ... are you running 2-channel, 5.1 channel, 7.1 channel?  


If you are using "Realtek" audio, then be sure to get the latest drivers for Win10 (via your Motherboard web site) ... there is an option on the record tab for the mic or line-in that allows you to set the channel to registry individual or combined (or something along those lines) ... I believe individual might be the one to use (but try either option and see).  


Cheers, Rob.

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Hi Rob


I guess its under the Realtek menu right ?




Michael Moe

Michael Moe




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I guess its under the Realtek menu right ?


It's in the Realtek Control panel ... from Desktop enter "Realtek" in the search box, should find "RealTek HD Audio Manager" ... select it.  In the upper right corner click on the gear icon and select "option".  Look for a check box that is described as "Tie up same type of input jacks, i.e. Line-in or microphone, as an input device" ... I believe it needs to be checked or is that unchecked -- any experiment with it and see if that works.  Also you may need to check (or uncheck) the "Separate all input jacks as independent input devices".


Cheers, Rob.

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I use Shadow-Play with DCS World ( also 64 bit Win 10 here, and DCS is a 64 bit app ) and have absolutely no problem with it.


Realtek is the only sound driver I have enabled - I never install the Nvidia Sound drivers because both can conflict and cause stutters in DCS World as documented in many threads at the ED forums.

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I haven't tested ShadowPlay in DCS ... but makes for a good test ... will try.


So far the issue is specific to P3D V3.x and Win10, same hardware P3D V3.x and Win7 no issues with ShadowPlay recordings.  After some additional research folks are suggesting it's a permissions problem with Win10 or some issue with Xbox support (DVR)?


I don't think DCS uses CUDA libraries from nVidia ... so that could also be a factor in this ... or it could be some other issue ... but the key items that are different from Win10 to Win7 is that Win10 supports >4GB recording file sizes (it will not break them out to 4GB chunks like it does under Win7) which is attributed to Windows 10 updated MFT MP4 muxer.  


Cheers, Rob.

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Did some more testing to see if I could solve this issue and sadly came up empty handed.  Right now my only option I know that will work is to wipe Win10 and return to Win7.


I did try DDU also, but sadly problem persists, also tried Beta drivers and problem persists.
To replicate:
1.  Install Lockheed Martin's Prepar3D V3.1
2.  Load the latest Beta or release nVidia drivers (select all components)
3.  Enable ShadowPlay (via "share")
4.  Record 4K at highest bitrate (not sure if this is required, but it's how I'm setup)
5.  Fly P3D (make sure Water = Ultra as that use nVidia CUDA libraries 6.5)
6.  Make several recordings in one session (start/stop/start/stop) and be sure to exceed 4GB (i.e. 5GB or higher file) ... it'll be obvious when the problem is triggered, sudden pauses, one core will max at 100%, and when stopping the recording it doesn't actually save the recording to file.
Here is a screen shot of NVSPCAPS64.EXE 
... core 3 is pegged at 100% even though I'm NOT recording anything and have just exited P3D and sitting at my desktop.  Notice Precision X is showing my GPU at 91-93 F, normally when I'm at the destkop it's close to ambient (70 F) -- I'm running 2 Titan X's in a dual loop EK water cooling configuration.
If I just watch NVSPCAPS64.EXE it will actually shift to another cores and max out a different core:
Again, keep in mind I'm doing nothing, just sitting at the desktop, no 3D game/sim is running, this is post ShadowPlay recording after exiting game/sim.
It's almost acting like it's a virus ... very strange.  Not sure how to proceed?
Cheers, Rob.

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Did you have the chance to try with DCS Rob ?

Main Simulation Rig:

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Main flight simulators: MSFS 2020... (😍 IT !!!), AND AeroflyFS4 - Great  FLIGHT SIMULATION !!!

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Did you have the chance to try with DCS Rob ?


Not yet, probably tomorrow (Sat).


Cheers, Rob.

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Fired up DCS and ran into the same issue ShadowPlay.  However, all is not lost, I did find a solution ... I went back to 359.06 for Win10 64bit (used DDU also).  Ran many test flights this evening and no issues with 359.06 ShadowPlay recordings.


I did learn something new today ... "Run As Administrator" option for an EXE is entered in the registry and NOT removed from the registry when the associated file is uninstalled/delete ... that thru me for a loop.


Cheers, Rob.

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Seems like there's been several problems show up in the latest driver Rob. One issue reported to me was that undocking certain panels in P3D halved the frame rate.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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Thx for the followup Rob, and the important note regarding running under Admin ... I'm always learning :-)


And every time I erase an app from Windows, I do dig into the registry trying to erase any tracks... but wasn't aware of this particular one!

Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Main flight simulators: MSFS 2020... (😍 IT !!!), AND AeroflyFS4 - Great  FLIGHT SIMULATION !!!

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Yep, 34 year of PCs and never a dull moment ... but I must admit, it would be nice to have a dull moment or two occasionally :)


It looks like nVidia are in the processing changing how ShadowPlay works with the new "Share" feature and the new message the pops up that my recording has started (ugh, I guess the green circle wasn't enough?) ... anyway, back to 359.06 and all is "ok" in Win10 land.


Cheers, Rob.

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