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Default B737-800 Overhead Bugs

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I posted the following in the FS Developer's Forum, but thought I might post it here also in the hopes it will get twice the visibility.

"As many if not most of you know, probably due to Microsoft's drive to bring FSX to us way back when, the Overhead on the default B737-800 leaves much to be desired. Just one of many issues is using the fuel switch on the pedestal to start her instead of the starters on the overhead. Also, APU generator switch, the Overhead fuel switches, light switches, starter light warning on ECAM never going out, etc. But thank goodness they made the seatbelt/smoking switch work so we can control the urges of virtual passengers that don't exist.

I have searched the various flightsim addon sites and downloaded the B738gaugefix file from 2009 and the next one from 2012. I've tried substituting other overheads and making appropriate changes to the panel.cfg and aircraft.cfg files. None of them accomplish the biggest irritation of all these overhead gauge issues, the starter switches on the overhead not spinning the engine and waiting until N2 comes up to throw the fuel switches on the pedestal. I can live with the fuel pump switches being of incorrect number and so forth, but I really would like to start her the right way.

Anyone know of an overhead addon that will work correctly or a definitive fix for the existing default one?"


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b738panelfix_v11.zip  In the File Library.  This will fix the panel switches for the correct starting procedure in both the


VC and 2D cockpits.

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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Thanks Charlie,

I did a search of both my hard drives C and Z (FSX is on Z and FS2004 is on C). On C:\ the B737_800.cab file was found several times in my documents section where I save all the downloads for both FS9 and FSX in one folder called "Flightsim Downloads", including the 2 Overhead bug fixes for FSX that I know of. Again, FSX is on the Z:\ drive and surely it is not smart enough to read a cab file on a completely different drive than the one FSX is on...right?

All total, on Z:\ where FSX resides it found 6 different files called "B737_800.cab". They were dated Feb 2007, May 2007, Dec 2007, Jul 2009 (the original bugfix that I know of), Dec 2012 (the bugfix you referenced above as version 11), and one from Jun 2015. The Jun 2015 one was in a freeware B747-8i panel folder. Not sure why. The Dec 2012 v11 file was in FSX/gauges. It is the only one named "B737_800.cab" in the gauges file. The one dated Jun 2015 is also called "B737_800.cab", but it is in a panel folder within the B747-8i aircraft folder. Will other aircraft try to access that B747 file before going to the gauges folder for "B737_800.cab"?

The other four are within a subfolder in the FSX/gauge folder that I named "Unused Gauges" and have all been renamed to the original name plus the date, i.e., "B737_800_22007.cab" and so forth. That alone should preclude aircraft from trying to use those unused gauge versions shouldn't it?

The reason I ask is that, with the exception of that one gauge in the B747-8i panel folder, the only gauge named "B737_800.cab" on the Z:\ Drive where FSX is resides in FSX\Gauges and is the version 11 one you referenced above. I can go to the overhead and hover over the fuel pump switches and the "hand" appears, but clicking them does not turn them on or off or move them in any way. I can hover over the engine start switches on the overhead and click each one and the switch moves from "GND" to "FLT" or "FLT" to "GND", the only two settings, but the starters do not engage. The default position on startup of FSX is on "GND".  There is no "Off".  Other panels I have used such as the Tinmouse B737-200 have a three position switch, GND/OFF/FLT, and the default position is "Off" and switching to "GND" engages the engine starter and spins the engine.  Even with that 12/2015 cab file I still have to click the fuel switch on the pedestal to start the engines and begin spooling them up. They sit stationary until the pedestal switch is moved to "Run" and that is not correct.  They should begin to spool up when the Overhead starter is engaged and fire when the pedestal switch is set to run. 


So how can you say the v11 cab file fixed that issue?  It fixed 26 issues if I read the text correctly and number 21 said it fixed the problem of the fuel valve levers acting as master starters.  I definitely do not see that in my sim.

What have I done wrong?


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I have to eat a little crow, but I also still have a "bug" issue, even when the 2012 v11 cab file is in place.


First, I removed the Jun 2015 one from the B748i panel folder and lo and behold the fuel levers on the B737-800 pedestal, the starters, and the fuel pump switches all started working like they were supposed to...sort of.  Clicking the starters to "FLT" with the fuel levers off now spools up the engines. 


I always start FSX with the default Cessna in cold and dark and then switch to the aircraft I want to fly.  Many payware require that it seems so I have gotten used to doing that every time I start FSX.  Once I have switched to the B737-800 (or an aircraft that is aliased to that panel) simply turning on the fuel pumps, switching the starter to "FLT", and flipping the fuel lever to "run" does not let the engine fire.  I also have to press the key command for mixture full rich, CTRL+SHFT+F4.  I thought the pedestal fuel lever took care of that, but apparently not.  I can live with that.


Problem solved



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I have my default flight set up with the default Baron58.  I have the mixture levers in the full rich position, as


well as all lights and electrical off, and the Master Avionics switch left on.  All aircraft start in that configuration.

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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