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FirefFighter X Refill Station Model

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I am using Firefighter X and no matter what I do I never get to see the refill vehicle.  I have tried both versions 1.78 b07 and 1.79 b13.  I have "Show Station" ticked in settings and have tried all the different models for station starting with the default Propane_Tank_sm and also have used the object finder to point to other objects but no vehicle appears.  I am currently using the default Cessna 172.  Any help would be much appreciated.  I had all the options ticked when I installed Firefighter x but strangely there is no file called Propane_Tank_sm on my PC.

[Updated]  Now resolved.  I found after changing several different objects that only certain objects appear.

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2 hours ago, ivanrk said:

I am using Firefighter X and no matter what I do I never get to see the refill vehicle.  I have tried both versions 1.78 b07 and 1.79 b13.  I have "Show Station" ticked in settings and have tried all the different models for station starting with the default Propane_Tank_sm and also have used the object finder to point to other objects but no vehicle appears.  I am currently using the default Cessna 172.  Any help would be much appreciated.  I had all the options ticked when I installed Firefighter x but strangely there is no file called Propane_Tank_sm on my PC.

[Updated]  Now resolved.  I found after changing several different objects that only certain objects appear.


yes, that is true, not all objects show in the sim. But the default should (the propane tank) unless it is not visible to your simulator for some reason. If, for example, the "Misc" subfolder has been moved out of your SimObjects directory or has been renamed, and if the simulator configuration has not been updated accordingly, then the sim will not find the models that FFX is trying to call up.

What simulator are you using exactly?

Best regards


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I am using the standard FSX and no folders or names have been changed.  I have a folder called SimObjects with Misc contained within it and FFX_FireElementals within that but nowhere can I find a file called Propane_Tank_sm.  Where should it be located.

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12 minutes ago, ivanrk said:

I am using the standard FSX and no folders or names have been changed.  I have a folder called SimObjects with Misc contained within it and FFX_FireElementals within that but nowhere can I find a file called Propane_Tank_sm.  Where should it be located.


If you don't have that, then I suppose that you are not using FSX Acceleration?


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I am using FSX SP2 which I thought included acceleration.  I am also using ORBX scenery and I was wondering if that changes objects available.

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11 minutes ago, ivanrk said:

I am using FSX SP2 which I thought included acceleration.  I am also using ORBX scenery and I was wondering if that changes objects available.


No, it is the other way round. Acceleration is based on SP2 and AFAIK it has additional content that is not present in SP2. Which would explain why those objects are missing.

Best regards


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Thank you for your quick help.  I have Acceleration but never installed it.  I will now.  Thanks again.

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