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X-Plane 11.05r2 beta Crashes

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Hello all,

I just returned to XP 11.02 after 3 very frustrating days with 11.05r2. First, my system - ASUS G752 gaming laptop with i7 7777 and 16GB with nVidia 1070 with 8GB. It allows me to run with everything maxed out. My plugins are xEnviro, PlaneCommand (tell your copilot to make adjustments to the plane), various small Lua scripts, and Pilot2ATC. That last one isn't really a plugin, but a stand alone program that communicates with XP via XPUIP. I also use at times VfrFlight which communicates with XP via a network address.

THE PROBLEM: I set up my flightplans with Pilot2ATC and transfer them to the GPS in the plane. P2A also has a moving map, so I minimize it when I am using the plane and call it up over XP from time to time to see the map. After the newest beta came out, XP start crashing after a while into a flight. The trigger for this was always bringing P2A up on the screen. XP would suddenly give me the little dialog box "XP cannot continue..." and then close. The log.txt did not reveal anything interesting. It was reporting normal events and then suddenly "XP has crashed" without any reasons why. Opening P2A was the cause, although VfrFlight would also do it to a lesser extent. At times, instead of crashing XP, P2A would get sluggish, display a black map, or crash totally. Mostly XP crashed.

I could really force more rapid crashes by using a more complex airplane. The Eclipse 550 has a very complex navigation system with SASL and Lua scripts galore. It takes forever to load. When I use this plane, the crashes are much more frequent. I can fly the Aerosphere Arrow IV turbo for quite a while before crashing and the same with the Carenado Mooney. But the result is the same. I contacted AeroBask, makers of the Eclipse and they confirm that there have been many problems with the new beta - suggesting return to 11.02.

So today, I went back to 11.02r2 and just finished a very long flight without the slightest hiccup. I filed a bug report with LR, but mention it here in case someone else has had a similar experience.

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