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  1. Thinking I had erred in the installation, I installed again (as administrator) and loaded MSFS. I got the same result as above. So I terminated the new FSUIPC and loaded an older version that I had renamed. That version loaded correctly and connected with the yellow plane and the ATIS for the airport.
  2. There is a new FSUIPC out. It doesn't connect to P2A. In place of the old FSUIPC splash screen, there is now a quick flash of a different flash screen but it never actually shows. What shows in Task Manager is not FSUIPC. Instead it says "IPC Interface and More, for MSFS". Great, but P2A doesn't connect to the sim! There is a message "Recognition Engine Installed" and "Simulator Connected" but then a popup appears saying "Aircraft position cannot be found. There must be a problem with your connection to the sim". It doesn't tune ATIS nor does the yellow plane show on the map. Nada!
  3. Yeah, I sent John an email, but gave him a link to this forum for the lengthy details. Now I am wondering if an email from an unknown person with a link to another page might not get opened...... I'll try again in a few days if he doesn't answer....
  4. Hi Dave, I have 64GB of 5500 memory and it is not even close to being utilized. My CPU utilization runs about 20-25 percent in Task Manager. I just flew from KCLT to KFRN 3 times. The first time with P2A and FSUIPC. I crashed after 45 minutes. The second time I was going to try without P2A, but habits are hard to break and after starting my PC and setting a flight plan in Navigraph Charts, I accidentally loaded P2A. but correcting myself, I closed P2A and started the flight. It crashed after an hour. I looked and saw that FSUIPC was still loaded since it launched itself automatically. So I renamed FSUIPC.exe and rebooted. The third flight was perfect. I even used 2X time compression. So I am seeing FSUIPC as the app that I cannot run if I want to finish a long flight. I wonder if an older version of FSUIPC would work better since the only thing I use it for is to connect with P2A.....
  5. Today I loaded a long flight and in addition to all the other mods I use, I added the latest FSUIPC and the latest beta P2A. CTD after an hour flying. The event viewer blamed MSFS, but FSUIPC and P2A were running. Tomorrow I will try the same flight without ATC.. This morning I flew the Honda Jet 475 miles without ATC and landed without incident.
  6. For what it's worth, I have now completed 10 long flights with FS Economy using ALL the above connections EXCEPT P2A and FSUIPC. And I just successfully completed a flight with NeoFly that hasn't worked with P2A for more than a month. No CTD since I stopped using P2A and FSUIPC. I tried the default MSFS ATC. Gaaaag! Horrible! So I am flying silent, but finishing all my flights.
  7. I post this in case anyone else is experiencing the same CTDs. My rig, 13900, RTX4090, 64GB 5500 RAM. SU12 beta latest. P2A beta latest. FSUIPC latest. I typically fly VR - two FS Economy missions daily in 3rd party aircraft (not Asobo stock). My simconnect connections are complicated with a Buttkicker, Navigraph Charts, P2A, FS Realistic, FS Traffic, FS Economy and my VR rig - HP G2 with Windows Mixed Reality. I realize that there are a million possible combinations of these things that could cause a CTD. My CTDs typically happen after at least a half hour flying - around the time for the descent and approach. The actually CTD seems to have various triggers - touching the autopilot, changing my view suddenly, touching other controls in the cockpit - it varies. But the result is that the VR headset suddenly goes dark and a few seconds later MSFS disappears from my screen as well. However, I can still hear motors. Often I have to go into Steam to close MSFS or use the Task Manager to do it. This has been going on for several weeks and I complete about 1 out of 4 flights. I tried all kinds of combinations - running in Safe Mode (works fine but obviously no P2A with that). I eliminated Traffic, Charts, Buttkicker, etc. to see if I could find the cause. The Event Viewer variously blamed MSFS, FSUIPC, and P2A. It varied each time, but I began to suspect the FSUIPC combination. When I stopped using FSUIPC and P2A, I started having perfect flights. Not a single crash in days now with all of the complicated stuff running. I have used P2A for many years with no problems. I write this to see if anyone else is having a similar problem - which would prompt Dave to get involved. I dunno. Perhaps it is my complicated system, but what are you seeing?
  8. FIXED! I did the above and it now works....
  9. Dave, Are your planned changes to the SQL programming going to be released any time soon? I would wait if it is pretty soon. Otherwise, I'll have to play around with the above fix....
  10. Dave, In this case, setting P2A to Run as Administrator seems to have done the trick. It connected! Don't know why this newest version 7.3.8 is different, but all I care is that I can fly with P2A! Thanks for your quick and thorough response!!!!!
  11. I just updated to FSUIPC 7.3.8 and when I tried to connect to P2A - I clicked Connect and got a beep. So I clicked Connect again and got the message "FSUIPC disconnected". Each subsequent click got the same message. I'm not looking at the error now so the message might have been slightly different, but the essence remains. I can't connect P2A to MSFS.... Am I the only one getting this problem? I have used FSUIPC for years now. I see the Dowson's are on vacation so there is no fix from them this week. Does anyone have a link to 7.3.7?
  12. Dave, I'm pretty sure that I already did all those things, but I will do them again exactly as you have specified. OK, I did find that somehow ATC Assigns Approaches got checked in the FltPln menu. So I turned that off, but left Force Pilot Runway Selection checked. Then I went back to this morning's flight - FWKA to HTIR. I was able to change the departure runway at FWKA, but HTIR was stuck on rwy 20 and nothing would change it. Neither of those airports have NOAA weather, so I have to use MSFS values once it is loaded. See if you can change HTIR as an arrival.... Thanks.
  13. I have been flying MSFS in Africa and South America lately and frequently NOAA does not have weather for the airports I am using. If I try to use Sim Weather, that looks for it in the Xplane folders. Nope! So I start a flight plan in MSFS and it shows the wind for departure and arrival. So I go back to P2A to set runways appropriate for the predicted winds. But P2A frequently will not change what it set when I first selected the airport. When I check P2A weather, it says Weather Data Not Available, but also says runway 27 in use. So it forces me to use 27 when MSFS says that I will be getting 09. Try as I might, I cannot get to P2A to change to runway 09. I have the Force Runway Selection box checked. I don't mind the lack of weather, but want the ability to set the runway, or at least ask for a change of runway when I am getting close and the wind is clearly wrong. Perhaps I don't know how to do this - so am open to correction....
  14. MSFS 2020 is all about CTDs for me, although I really like it. There seems to be a limit to the number of things that can be connected with simconnect. So when I have FSUIPC, P2A, and FS Economy, I am already teetering on the brink. If I open a map or other simconnect mod, the chances of a CTD grows. And then we have all the avionics bugs with the Working Title mods to the Garmins 1000 and 3000 plus the GTN750 that has recently come out. And then there is the "4 maps" bug where if you have 4 maps open, you CTD on opening the 4th. So I have had to repeat so many FS Economy flights that I have finally gone back to Xplane for a while. It's nice when stuff just works!
  15. Hello again, I discovered that I could get the voices going with no pause and then hit the Pause Between File Playback - and that worked. I was able to set the voices 30seconds apart, which gave a more relaxed atmosphere. So I am content....
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