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About Pod562

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  1. I installed the full version. I guess I could try updating it to the beta version to see if that changes anything but I doubt it. Renzo
  2. Thanks for taking the time to reply comprehensively to my problem. I tried each of the solutions but none of them worked. I guess I'll have to choose a different ATC program for MFS 2020. Regards Renzo
  3. Hi, Download the 10 day trial to see how Pilot2ATC would work on my Win 11 computer and I am having problems with SQL Server error messages and flashing black screens. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall both pilot2atc and SQL Server 2014 and tried stopping and starting SQL Server using the command prompt but to no avail. I should be grateful for any advice as to whether this is a comptability problem with Win 11. For the record, I bought a Win 11 computer, I didn't upgrade from Win10. Thanks Renzo
  4. Just an update on my question. All my hardware, joystick, panels etc are Virpil. I note on the Linda "set-up joysticks" panel that my virpil hardware has ID numbers but no Serial Numbers [NoSerNum}. I guess this is the cause of my problem. How do I deal with this issue? many thanks
  5. Hi, Just intalled registered copy of FSuipc 7 for mfs 2020 and Linda and PMDG 737 profile. All appears to be set up correctly but I cannot get the assignments I have sent in Linda to have any effects in the sim. When I configure the assignments in Linda (eg. APU start to button on Virpil panel) and click save, should the effect be seen immediately in the sim? I have researched the problem and followed the instructions but I must have done something wrong. FSUIPC and Linda are installed in a folder on my C/drive and mfs 2020 is installed on my D/drive, in case that makes a difference. Is there a file somewhere that I can check to see if my assignments have been effected properly. many thanks Renzo
  6. Hi all, I have recently reinstalled my Q400 after installing an SSD in my computer and now i seem to have a problem with the plane flying with a permanent 10 degree right-hand bank when flying on autopilot. Strangely, the plane still flies in a straight line and follows the flightplan. The rudder is shown as centred. I believe my hardware (saitek yoke) is properly configured. Since reinstalling the Q400, i have also installed the latest patch, in case that is relevant. Many thanks Bill
  7. Hi all, I have recently reinstalled my Q400 after installing an SSD in my computer and now i seem to have a problem with the plane flying with a permanent 10 degree right-hand bank when flying on autopilot. Strangely, the plane still flies in a straight line and follows the flightplan. The rudder is shown as centred. I believe my hardware (saitek yoke) is properly configured. Since reinstalling the Q400, i have also installed the latest patch, in case that is relevant. Many thanks Bill
  8. I am based in the UK and I am happy to sell you my PMDG MD11 manuals if you pay the postage. Regards Bill Miller
  9. I have the old cpflight mcp with the rs232 connection and it works fine with the NGX. Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. Thanks. I will check that this evening. Regards
  11. My photo file size was a bit large! Here is a smaller version https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28892583/NGX.JPG Thanks.
  12. Hi, I wondered whether you guys could take a look at this screenshot of my NGX and help me diagnose the problem. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28892583/NGX.png I have be using the NGX with ezdok and track IR for a long time with no problems. Then suddenly, this problem arises. I have deleted the fsx.cfg and let it rebuild. Resolved problem but only for a few minutes. I have also configured ezdok, in case that is the issue. Thanks for any advice
  13. I was on a flight to BIKF last night and decided to select a hydraulic system A failure and run through the QRH. Just for something to do! I noted that such a failure stops the gear from working and necessitates employment of alternate gear. From researching the forum, I noted that the NGX doesn't model alternate gear so I thought that I wouldn't be able to lower the landing gear at all. However, the landing gear lowered just fine with a hydraulic system A failure. So my question is: does the hydraulic system A failure have any consequences which are modelled for the NGX? If there are no consequences for the landing gear, are the other matters mentioned in the QRH not modelled either? Obviously, it could all be my misunderstanding. It normally is. Thanks
  14. Thanks for your reply. I did some more research and found that I can assign a key through pmdg options for AP disconnect and then link it to my joystick. You are correct, if I push the disconnect button twice, it silences the alarm. But it would be good, if you ask the FO to disconnect the AP, that he also pushes the button twice in order to silence the alarm. Regards Bill
  15. Would it be possible to add a command to the FO to silence the AP disconnect alert? I have been trying to find a key press that I can program into my joystick but no luck so far. Bill Miller
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