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Remote Overhead view only no IP address

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Hi Marc


CDU licenced is working fine

Now I want to try the Overhead panel.

Open server window

Status is Connected to PMDG 737NGX

PMDG 737 NGX Licence : Full Control

Rest is view only including Overhead.

OPen Generate QR Code

Open PMDG 737 NGX

Only CDU Left and Right are displayed with IP address

Overhead is not shown.

Something I missed?





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Hi Jacob,

the Remote Overhead Client is a seperate executable (runs on a Windows PC) and you can find it in the same .zip archive as SimServer.exe.

As such, it won't come up in that list since it's not a browser based interface.



Mark Foti

Author of aviaworx - https://www.aviaworx.com


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