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P3D VR Zoom Support Question

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Yes the view top to bottom is big enough the side to side FOV is 104 degrees but obviously as you move your head anything can be seen.


Joe (Southern California)

SystemI9-9900KS @5.1Ghz/ Corsair H115i / Gigabyte A-390 Master / EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Hybrid w 11Gb / Trident 32Gb DDR4-3200 C14 / Evo 970 2Tb M.2 / Samsung 40inch TV 40ku6300 4K w/ Native 30 hz capability  / Corsair AX850 PS / VKB Gunfighter Pro / Virpil MongoosT-50 Throttle / MFG Crosswind Pedals /   LINDA, VoiceAttack, ChasePlane, AIG AI, MCE, FFTF, Pilot2ATC, HP Reverb G2

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I'm agreed with all JoePoway says with respect to Rift, P3D, Chase Plane, and FlyInside. This combination working together would be a step deeper in immersion.

I find the clarity of panel screens under Rift to not be where I'd like it. Though the view is more than adequate for IFR especially landing. I tend to use the pop-ups in FlyInside for detail work in the screens and flight computers. Definitely in smaller prop aircraft and GPS equipment. A bit less challenging in the PMDG 737, where leaning in covers most needs.

Great tip duplicating/customizing camera.cfg files....on it!

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1 hour ago, Thud178 said:

I'm agreed with all JoePoway says with respect to Rift, P3D, Chase Plane, and FlyInside. This combination working together would be a step deeper in immersion.

I find the clarity of panel screens under Rift to not be where I'd like it. Though the view is more than adequate for IFR especially landing. I tend to use the pop-ups in FlyInside for detail work in the screens and flight computers. Definitely in smaller prop aircraft and GPS equipment. A bit less challenging in the PMDG 737, where leaning in covers most needs.

Great tip duplicating/customizing camera.cfg files....on it!

Here's an example of what I've done for the PMDG 737

These additional camera views have unique Guid #'s and are positioned to achieve an optimal Panel view and outside nose view when using FI.

I do these for all my aircraft including A2A and Realair GA and if the exterior is rendered with the virtual cockpit like the A2A C172 I also create outside Locked Spot views using camera 0 i.e. HotKeySelect=10 and selecting the correct InitialXyz offsets

With all of these I use Voice Attack to switch between the views and F9 always takes you back to the pilot view which is always assigned to camera 1

When you first toggle views in FI it will momentarily bounce you out to the desktop screen but after the first time it doesn't do it anymore.

Title = "VR FlyInside Panel View" //  Inserted this new view 
Guid = {c25f2790-d405-412c-ac19-16d3bb2b5efe} // obtained this unique Guid # from website
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
CycleHidden=Yes  // prevents it from showing when cycling views using A Key
MomentumEffect = No  // turn off momentun effect
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.0
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz=0.50, 0.0, -0.55  // Modified position for optimum upper panel view in FlyInside
HotKeySelect=7  // added this camera select
// assigned to camera #7   note CP uses Keys 1,5,6,8 and P3D uses 1,2,3,4

Title = "VR FlyInside Nose View" //  Inserted this new view 
Guid = {4d065164-76c4-4737-aabd-49255a510456} // obtained this unique Guid # from website
Origin = Virtual Cockpit
CycleHidden=Yes  // prevents it from showing when cycling views in VC category using the A key
MomentumEffect = No  // turn off momentun effect
SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
SnapPbhReturn = False
PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
PanPbhReturn = False
Track = None
ShowAxis = YES
AllowZoom = TRUE
InitialZoom = 1.0
SmoothZoomTime = 2.0
ZoomPanScalar = 1.0
ShowWeather = Yes
XyzAdjust = TRUE
Category = Cockpit
InitialXyz=0.50, 0.0, 1.3  // Modified position for nose view
HotKeySelect=9  // added this camera select
// assigned to camera #9   note CP uses Keys 1,5,6,8 and P3D uses 1,2,3,4

BTW I also change the width of the CDU popup in the panel.cfg file so it isn't so skinny in FI. If you double the width it takes care of it so you don't have to stretch it in FI. One thing is now it's twice as fat in 2D flying by I find it easier to shrink io a 2D screen. This technique also works for all the GTN 750 panel.cfg files also just double the first number i.e. the width.

// CDU (Left)
[Window02]  // note this is P3D panel window 3 since these start at Window 0
//window_size= 0.20052, 0.50000  // Original CDU width
window_size= 0.40104, 0.50000  // VR width doubled for FlyInside

Hope that helps

Here's the link to the discussion I had with Keven of ChasePlane due to conflicts I ran into when assigning HotKeySelect cameras        note CP uses Keys 1,5,6,8 and P3D uses 1,2,3,4     so I use cameras 7, 9 , 10


Joe (Southern California)

SystemI9-9900KS @5.1Ghz/ Corsair H115i / Gigabyte A-390 Master / EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Hybrid w 11Gb / Trident 32Gb DDR4-3200 C14 / Evo 970 2Tb M.2 / Samsung 40inch TV 40ku6300 4K w/ Native 30 hz capability  / Corsair AX850 PS / VKB Gunfighter Pro / Virpil MongoosT-50 Throttle / MFG Crosswind Pedals /   LINDA, VoiceAttack, ChasePlane, AIG AI, MCE, FFTF, Pilot2ATC, HP Reverb G2

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On 1/5/2019 at 11:49 AM, slip-stream said:

Do we have VR support as of yet?

Yes it seems to work now in P3dV4.4


Joe (Southern California)

SystemI9-9900KS @5.1Ghz/ Corsair H115i / Gigabyte A-390 Master / EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Hybrid w 11Gb / Trident 32Gb DDR4-3200 C14 / Evo 970 2Tb M.2 / Samsung 40inch TV 40ku6300 4K w/ Native 30 hz capability  / Corsair AX850 PS / VKB Gunfighter Pro / Virpil MongoosT-50 Throttle / MFG Crosswind Pedals /   LINDA, VoiceAttack, ChasePlane, AIG AI, MCE, FFTF, Pilot2ATC, HP Reverb G2

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Hi Joe,

Just want to clarify.  Using the native VR with CP gives you the ability to assign a hot-key for instant zoom in/zoom out?


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Yes but I actually use the Move Forward and Move Backward and Binocular settings in ChasePlane for VR and 2D. These are found in the CP preferences. This allows for smoother “zooming” both inside the cockpit and for outside or static views. Also I use the Recenter View preference to reset whatever view I am in. Binoculars lets you do a quick zoom and it automatically returns when you release. Additionally I use an Xbox One PDP brand controller to assign the preferences directly for CP. I you use a controller as I do you must delete all the commands P3D automatically assigns under axis and keyboard assignments in P3D controls. Also you cannot use a wireless Xbox One with vR if you use Oculus like I do because Oculus sees the wireless controller as an Oculus hand controller and takes it over. The $20 wired PDP brand works great I also use the thumb axis to assign Move Forward and Backward on one and TILT up/Down and Move Left/Right on the other. Basically all my ChasePlane view manipulations and preset views are set on the wired Xbox One controller.

Hope this helps


Joe (Southern California)

SystemI9-9900KS @5.1Ghz/ Corsair H115i / Gigabyte A-390 Master / EVGA RTX 2080 Ti FTW3 Hybrid w 11Gb / Trident 32Gb DDR4-3200 C14 / Evo 970 2Tb M.2 / Samsung 40inch TV 40ku6300 4K w/ Native 30 hz capability  / Corsair AX850 PS / VKB Gunfighter Pro / Virpil MongoosT-50 Throttle / MFG Crosswind Pedals /   LINDA, VoiceAttack, ChasePlane, AIG AI, MCE, FFTF, Pilot2ATC, HP Reverb G2

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Hi Joe and thanks for the quick response.

I have been using FlyInside for a while now and I really like the virtual windows feature.  Handy when using charts, vPilot, etc.  Is there a similar solution when using the native VR?  Or something provided by CP?


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Hi Mark,

I'm also flying exclusively in VR using Flyinside and I really like it. I hope they will not end this project and won't screw anything up.

If you are on HTC VIVE you may consider this piece of software from steam: OVRdrop (I use it in ELITE: Dangerous) so I know it will work similar way in native VR P3D.

BTW what is your experience with native VR v.s. Flyinside? 

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