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Models of Project Open Sky

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Hello. The project site does not work outwardly .  I have a question - can anyone enumerate
 fully what models of aircraft the developers of the Project Open Sky have created for FSX? .Models of Project Open Sky is  accurate and easy. Help me find out what models was created by developers of Project Open Sky. Thanks in advance everyone who will respond. Respect 

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Great thanks to You and the curator of the archive (!). I am very grateful to You.  It's a pleasure to see efortless and correct POSky models in the any simulator.                                                                        Let me clarify once again - POSky never made models for FSX? I almost do not know their the project. Thanks for answers.

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Could be that some posky models were converted to native FSX but I'm not sure.

I think Sky Spirit is a sort of successor to posky and they have some FSX models: http://ssp.cyber-ninja.jp/

They also have a FB page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/407992835888461/

I have not used the models myself, this is just what turned up with some searches.


Barry Friedman

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Thank you for  Your help. No more questions. Best wishes to You. Regards.

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Happy New Year. I have downloaded several POSKY 777 aircraft from the Simviation and have a question. When I fly the 777-200/-300 aircraft the aircraft does not fly level with the autopilot on and A/T set to 250 Knots. The elevator trim is extremely sensitive and does not trim the aircraft to a level flight attitude. Can you please help me to correct this condition?

Thank You,


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Paul - when you say level flight attitude, to clarify do you mean it doesn't hold its altitude, or just flies a little nose-up?

It's been a while since I've flown the POSKY 777, but I don't recall it ever not holding altitude on autopilot. Can you just enable auto-throttle? In that case the plane wouldn't hold it's altitude because it hasn't been told to.

Mark Robinson

Part-time Ferroequinologist

Author of FLIGHT: A near-future short story (ebook available on amazon)

I made the baby cry - A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation

Sky Simulations MD-11 V2.2 Pilot. The best "lite" MD-11 money can buy (well, it's not freeware!)

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Flying with a slight nose-up attitude is perfectly normal. Flying with a highly variable attitude, however, is not. I know someone who's flown the POSKY 777 models to death and he never seemed to have the issue. 

Also, 250KIAS is sorta slow for cruise speed. Maybe that could be a factor?

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If I may post a couple of pics as an example? OK I've had this POSKY 777 freighter for some time. I did download one of the latest packages via simviation, but still had problems with the VC despite using the one from the 777 reborn as per instructions. Anyhow, here she is climbing out of KRSW under autopilot control - autothrottle (250kt) and vertical speed are set - she should level off at FL160.


..and here she is doing 300 knots at 16000 feet - she flies a little nose up (they all do), but the altitude is locked.



Hope this helps, Paul. :cool:

Mark Robinson

Part-time Ferroequinologist

Author of FLIGHT: A near-future short story (ebook available on amazon)

I made the baby cry - A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation

Sky Simulations MD-11 V2.2 Pilot. The best "lite" MD-11 money can buy (well, it's not freeware!)

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I too just downloaded and can't keep my hands off it, It does fly Nose Up attitude, even at over 290 Ktns., here n the image above the FS " OVERSPEED" Is not visible, when ever I pass 290Ktns. It shows aand the alarm sound tack,tack.tack...sounds too, eventhough like here the speedHold (A/T) is set to 300 Ktms.




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