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CP Not Working PMDG 777-300

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CP presets not working in the PMDG 777-300ER.  CP does function normally in the 777-200 and 777F and PMDG 737 variants and 747.  It has stopped once before then it started working again, but now not at all.  Using version V0.4.217 Beta with P3D v.4.3. 

Bob Zolto


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Please generate a report file from the preferences and send the file over to us via email.

Keven Menard 
Technical Director, //42

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The presets for the -800 only work sporadically.  I opened this topic a month ago, but everything started working again.  Now it has stopped and I have noticed other threads with the same problem.  I sent a report file. 



Bob Zolto


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I found a workaround for this.  Load a Ped v4.3 default aircraft -the F-22 - and then select the PMDG 777-300.  Then Chaseplane works correctly.  Doing it this way, of course, is contrary to the way PMDG recommends loading its aircraft and it only needs to be done with the 777-300, other 777 variants work correctly.


Bob Zolto


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The same problem now exists with the new A2A Bonanza.  CP only works if I load an F-22 first. Puzzled why there is no answer to these questions.

Bob Zolto


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