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About Bob_Z

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    New Mexico

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  1. Think I have it sorted. Needed to adjust brakes
  2. If choc ks were in or PB on, the aircraft wouldn't move at all. It st\arts back several yards and then goes into the rearing.
  3. Latest versions of FSL A320, P3d v5, UGCX. After a long time with no problems, once again the aircraft rears up during pushback resulting in a tail strike. This happended quite a while ago, then stopped. Now it has started again.
  4. Ben hasn't been around in months. He seems to disappear for long periods, comes back for a bit and then gone again.
  5. To use this, I would need to turn off all TOGA products, ASCA and Pascal tweaks, correct?
  6. It's par for the course with Ben. Around for a while and then gone again.
  7. Not uncommon for Ben to show up for a while, do some new stucf and then disappear.
  8. Should the old version be uninstalled first? It would be helpful if this is mentioned in the announcement. Some products reinstall over the old one, others need to uninstall and then reintstall. It would be easy to add that to the announcement or the read-me doc.
  9. It appears to be fixed now. Thanks
  10. After at last a dozen tries to install the Scenery Config Editor, a fourth download and another try finally worked. I ran it, it found no errors. I wa still getting the original error on the remote scenery area 125. I deleted the area and then wrote it back into the scenery cfg file, adding a local= line that wasn't there before. Everything now seems to be working without errors. Thanks for all your help.
  11. OK. In my Scenery LIbrary in FSX there was an entry Add on Scenery. All of my add ons are listed separately and enabled. I disabled the add on scenery entry in scener.cfg and the error messages disappeared. Is there a reason to have the add on scenery entry enable in the library?
  12. What olther solution? There are no remote= lines on any of my Scenery CFG entries. There is no local= line in area 125.
  13. I updated my Java, but no joy on the install of the config editor.
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