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i7 8700k and GTX 1060, GPU at 100% causes stuttering in P3dV4.3

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Wasn't for me....as I said- I also updated the bios and the motherboard drivers at the same time, so that might have been also a solution. I am just guessing that video drivers played a better part for this improvement. Now CPU is much more stressed and I can ramp up the settings for GPU (texture resolution, shadows etc.)- GPU load never goes part 50% now.

Metod Praprotnik

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Back to square one...for me. I am back at 100% pegged 1060. This happened after 1809 Win10 update. With this update it screwed also my Saitek x65f not being recognized. I rolled back to 1803, solved the stick but GPU is still causing stutters. I cleaned and reinstalled the drivers. Refreshed the motherboard drivers...tried all different versions of display drivers. I even updated the p3dv4 client to V4.4...

On two instances it happened that GPU wasn't pegging but after computer restart, things got back to crappy...I am at the end of my wits here. I really don't want to reinstall everything (win and p3d).

In nvidia settings I only have set Max performance. 

The thing is- if i pan around the gpu pegs, then goes back down to 30%...if I fly it's pegged to 100% in autogen heavy area. Am at the end of my wits here. Please help


Metod Praprotnik

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Oh well...nothing brute power and money wouldn't solve- went ahead and got a 1080ti for a very decent price- things are peachy again in simland :).



Metod Praprotnik

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I have the pc in the signature (8700k 16 GB RAM and rtx2080 ti ) after buyed orbx vectors and orbx europe i saw blurry texture and basically not to much autogen after some experiment to edit cgf file i found the solution for me was to delete the cfg file and let the game rebuild It 

At the Moment i leave the cfg file original because the view and the performance are Amazing i Can get between 25 fps ( on add on airports all Setting to max like Malpensa professional areosoft) and 70 fps (external view climb altitude static view)

The Setting in game are all max to framerate unlimited and vsinc on

I Also have orbx vector configuration all flagged railway light ecc 

I follow the avsim guide for the part about the modify in the Nvidia ispector 

I just noticed an increase of cpu usage like all core at 100% usage i dont know if its ok for the processor to work much time at 100% ? 

Basically for me the solution was to restore the cfg file after the installation of a lot of 3d part addon (like ASCA/ORBX/3d part Airports electronic Flight bag and much more )

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