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Strange IAS behaviour 777 at takeoff

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Hello, I have experienced the following problem while  t/o roll from OMDB this night on 777-300ER:

Upon reaching V1 the IAS rapidly dropped for several knots and then increased to V1 again. 

Has anyone experienced the same issue with IAS fluctuating just at V1 just before rotation? 

Thanks in advance. 

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You go too fast, breaking the sound barrier during takeoff is not a good thing! 🤣

More seriously, it could be wind related. Were there any gusts? 

Romain Roux



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St Exupéry, Terre des hommes.

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If you were using real world weather with realistic winds, the chances are it was gusting on your initial take off roll and then dropped off as you hit V1. I just checks the current winds at Dubai and the report report was -  PROBABILITY OF E'LY 17KT GUSTING TO 27KT - so you've got a ten knot variation right there, and of course it could be more variation than that if it drops off then goes up to the maximum gust speed.

Alan Bradbury

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Many thanks for explanation guys, I am using real time weather so most likely this was due to gusting indeed. 

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