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Wasn't sure which forum to put this topic in, so move it if need be.

So recently I bought ChasePlane, installed it and it did most things it was supposed to do. However, there were a couple of issues. First of all, I was unable to connect ChasePlane to WiFi, (my PC wifi is fine, but ChasePlane wouldn't connect) meaning I could not use the community tab - it was greyed out and I assume the WiFi was the issue. Second problem, the major one, it was very delayed with its responses at times. When the simulator was paused it worked fine and it also worked great while stationary on the ground. However, while flying there were times the cameras just wouldn't move or switch, sometimes taking more than 30 seconds for my hatswitch or view switcher buttons to take effect. This meant most of the time I wanted to move my view midair, I would have to pause the simulator. Another issue was the lag. As soon as I installed it, my FPS went from about 30 FPS to 20. Yes I do have a potato all in one PC with an AMD APU, but even so I do not think it was normal to lag so much. It was even worse when switching views, the movements were fairly stuttery.

I eventually uninstalled ChasePlane after a few days, I enjoyed all the effects and cameras but I could not put up with the problems I just mentioned. Now here's the next problem - I uninstalled it, deleted leftover files, but the on-board camera still exists in FSX, and I can not move my view with my hatswitch, only space bar and mouse. The hatswitch works fine in the outside views, but the VC view is missing, and the ChasePlane camera is still there. So could someone please either

1. Tell me how to fix the issues with ChasePlane, like the lag and delayed response and WiFi/community, in which case I will reinstall it, or

2. Tell me how to fix my VC camera issue if number 1 is not possible.

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I would suggest posting your request for help on the Old Prop forum here on AVSIM since they are the developers of Chase Plane.

Ernest Pergrem

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