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Post Processing Options

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I'm an FSX:SE user. Having upgraded to a new machine, I'm forced to use W10. I'm also a committed Scenery Fixer and Cloud Shadows customer, running the latest versions. 


Given that SweetFX doen't function under W10 and Steve councils against employing ReShade with Cloud Shadows, is there any available post-processing tool that provides the same functionality as SweetFX with the following combo:

- w10

-nVidia 1080ti


- latest Scenery Fixer and Cloud Shadows?


I really miss my SweetFX...






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Try reshade,   the latest version seemed ok when I tried it recently, I removed the warning from the cloud shadows purchase page and I haven’t heard of any issues reported.

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Oh well, back to the drawing board. ReShade doesn't load it's overlay for me. Tried DX9, DX10 and OpenGL. No go on any of them.

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I've no idea. I assume by that you mean selecting the ticked shader options during installation? If so, how would I know the effect and the level of it?


I think the issue may be more fundamental. I'm not actually sure that the shaders are being loaded at all. I see  no difference with all the presets checked.



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Well, if anyone here has installed Reshade 4.2 into FSX:SE and got it working, I'd sure be interested in knowing what you did.





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