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Transition altitude call out

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Just as I was climbing through the transition level, the FO called "Transition", and I then called "Altimeters transition, set Standard". The reply was..."standard set, crosschecked, passing flight level six three seven climbing flight level two three zero". The TA programmed into the VNAV climb page was 5000 feet. I think I was passing filght level 060 when the callout came, so, should have been more like "...passing flight level zero six one" or something. Flight level six three seven is something like 63700 feet after all! Using P3D v4.5 and units set to "hybrid" (feet, millibars). 

Any thoughts?


Kyrre Andersen 

<a href="https://www.virtualnorwegian.net/"><img src="https://www.virtualnorwegian.net/signatures/NAX12641.png" alt="" /></a>

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Hi Bryan,

The next time I do a flight I will try to reproduce it. I twas thinking it might have something to do with the units setting. I did a flight with the freighter version. I can give it a try with the passenger version and see what happens then.


Kyrre Andersen

<a href="https://www.virtualnorwegian.net/"><img src="https://www.virtualnorwegian.net/signatures/NAX12641.png" alt="" /></a>

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