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[Answered]FS Reborn AI Manager still to come?

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Hello Simbol,


could you share an updated status on this so much missed ai-control tool from your side for LM platform, i.e. if you will bring that to market and when? And if so will it be working in V4.5 as well as V5 of LM?


Thank you, hope all is reasonably well yr end.




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Hi Andreas,

The project hasn't been cancelled. It will come most likely for V5 only as I am requesting changes to the simulator SDK in order to provide the desired experience.

The project will be divided in 2. One will be called light edition which only provides traffic separation (cost under £10) where the other will be called pro edition and will provide more features, including SID / STAR handling integrated with Navigraph data.

You can upgrade from light to pro without losing your investment, so for example if you bought light edition that cost will be discounted from the pro price.

Given my current workload and the crazy year we are living I don't want to put a date but I hope to get the light edition out before of the end of the year.

Hope this helps, sorry for the delay to respond but it has been a crazy couple of weeks for me (my daily job due to Corona Virus) and I took break from flight sim to re-charge. Unfortunately during my break LM decided to release V5 and I got just overwhelmed by lot of stuff.




Oficial Website: https://www.FSReborn.com
Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/XC82TqvKQ3

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22 minutes ago, simbol said:

Hi Andreas,

The project hasn't been cancelled. It will come most likely for V5 only as I am requesting changes to the simulator SDK in order to provide the desired experience.

The project will be divided in 2. One will be called light edition which only provides traffic separation (cost under £10) where the other will be called pro edition and will provide more features, including SID / STAR handling integrated with Navigraph data.

You can upgrade from light to pro without losing your investment, so for example if you bought light edition that cost will be discounted from the pro prize.

Given my current workload and the crazy year we are living I don't want to put a date but I hope to get the light edition out before of the end of the year.

Hope this helps, sorry for the delay to respond but it has been a crazy couple of weeks for me (my daily job due to Corona Virus) and I took break from flight sim to re-charge. Unfortunately during my break LM decided to release V5 and I got just overwhelmed by lot of stuff.



Entirely understandable. not to mention you spending quality time with your lovely family as well, we'll enjoy it when it arrives 🙂

Kevin Firth - i9 10850K @5.2; Asus Maximus XII Hero; 32Gb Cas16 3600 DDR4; RTX3090; AutoFPS; FG mod

Beta tester for: UK2000; JustFlight; VoxATC; FSReborn; //42

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