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P3D Level Europe EGKK - LOWW - VATSIM Midweek Madness

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Hello all,

About three weeks into flying online, and still haven't gone back to AI add-ons or ATC programs, and I attended my first VATSIM event, the Gatwick Midweek Madness. Madness was the word, it was practically as busy as a normal (pre-lockdown) day, complete with delays getting out as the singe runway gets used to the max. I played the Tower 3D Gatwick ATC sim, and that tears my hair out. Austria also had full on coverage, but with a late start (I didn't join at the start times) from London I missed some of it, but Approach and Tower were still on at Vienna so that was ok, and a break in ATC coverage was welcome for a PNB and a drink, and give my ears a rest 😄

I've done a video of the flight, Level Europe Gatwick to Vienna on an A321, mostly just the loading the airbus, the ATC communications at Gatwick, some of the ATC between myself and London Control/Brussels Centre, some cinematic shots and then the approach and the unloading. a 2 hour flight condensed down to 25 minutes.


I hope you like it!


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