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phil hazelton

saab 340 left engine start

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saab 340 x plane 

can not get left engine to start ,,,,,,get RT started ok and use the same procedure for left 

deleted and re- installed ....have tried all I know 

appreciate some advice


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Saab 340 is not included with default aircraft in X-Plane 11. There is one produced by Carenado and the other by Leading Edge Simulations. Which one has the problem? Is the condition lever moved to start position?


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If its the LES saab 340, you have to have both power levers at ground idle, use the torque pop up, if you have hardware prop levers. leave them both at cut off, move the 2 prop levers with your mouse to the start detent, they drop in place, it will start every time, than you can use the hardware levers to move them anywhere you want

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