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Audio Configuration Changing On Its Own

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Every so often my audio setting in the audio setup for FS2Crew NGXu and UGCX will suddenly be different when I start the programs.  I can't be sure, but this might be occurring after Windows updates.  Headset audio device will be changed to speakers in FS2Crew and UCGX will be changed to text instead of voice.  I reset everything but I don't know why this happens randomly and would like to make it stop.  Any ideas?  Thanks!


Bob Koehler

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No, I never reinstall it and none of the other setup options or configuration settings ever change, except when a new version is released.  It's just the audio settings that randomly change, maybe once a month.  


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1 hour ago, BobKinSTL said:

No, I never reinstall it and none of the other setup options or configuration settings ever change, except when a new version is released.  It's just the audio settings that randomly change, maybe once a month.  


Hi Bob,

It if it changes by itself once a month, it sounds like a Windows update issue.

That's all I can think off.

From my own experience, I know Windows updates can mess with audio settings sometimes, but I haven't experienced that in quite a while.

But that wouldn't explain why your mode would switch from Voice to Button Control mode.


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1 hour ago, byork said:

Hi Bob,

It if it changes by itself once a month, it sounds like a Windows update issue.

That's all I can think off.

From my own experience, I know Windows updates can mess with audio settings sometimes, but I haven't experienced that in quite a while.

But that wouldn't explain why your mode would switch from Voice to Button Control mode.


Thanks Bryan, I believe it's a Windows update thing.  Just to confirm, the mode does not switch from voice to button on FS2Crew, it only changes on UGCX.  So in summary, the changes I randomly see about once a month on both products at the same time is suddenly I cannot hear UGCX when they announce "ground to cockpit" so I have to go in and change that.  Then On FS2Crew, preflight (let's get set up) and announcement by the first officer of a walk around always come through my speakers and then checklists comes through my headset, but the change that happens there is FO checklist voice continues coming through the speakers so I have to go into Audio and change it back to headset.  Not a big deal, just kind of strange.  Thanks!


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