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fscrew 737NGXu stuck

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Hi, often my NGXu stuck after 10 checks. It doesn't recognize any voice command, is like the mic is unplugged. Obviously it works. Is there a method to reset and restart the software in flight? I tried to move to approach checklist, gone back and again in descent checklist but nothing. What can I do?

Pietro Marchese 

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Hi Byork, thanks for your reply. Normally when I speak appears a green line reporting my words. After 10 checks it doesn't displays any green line when I speak. I try to say "descent checklist"... stuck. Try to manually switch to approach checklist section and say "approach checklist" but nothing. Please consider that I used this software (in fsx) for years. Now in p3dv5 for abt 2 weeks... I mean I know what to say and when. It's a pity that I lost my copilot. Is there a method to reset fs2crew?

Pietro Marchese 

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Could it be an issue with your hardware?

The FSX and P3D code are the same more or less in FS2Crew.

Since you've been using the software for 6 years, the problem won't be user error.

You can try a system reset by running the Audio Test (Audio section, Secondary panel).


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the mic seems not going to sleep. how can I verify this setting in win 10?

I disable failures and ugcx and now it works

Pietro Marchese 

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