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  1. Yes was first on this PC, tons on my old...
  2. Hi to all, thanks for your interest. Yes I installed another simmarket product (another airport for p3d v1 that I don't even have installed on my pc). When installation started, on the middle of blue progression bar, I canceled the process so it reverts and erased new folders yet created. Magically after that LICC started flawlessly, opened browser and granted permissions. My faulty pc repaired itself (magic of technology, hi). Thanks again to all you friends.
  3. Yes it does. I yet solved the problem but if there's something else to sort out I'm glad to know in case of future issues
  4. solved following your trick. I really thank you my friend.
  5. Customer support said they won't help me cause is my pc fault so I have to find the cause not they.
  6. Hi Ray, yes I've checked several times. But it doen't say as you wrote. In first (administrator rights) it let me choose language (I tried german even), than says that this will install licc, I agree to license, fill e-mail and serial (tried to copy paste, all uppercase, all lowercase, italics, bold, leaving a space in first and at the end of both. I did really all of this I'm not joking), than it says that during installation a browser may open and upon completion will be provided a code. I click next and leave standard destination folder and standard start menu folder creation. At ready to install phase I click install and "Activation invalid. Please contact customer support" appears. End of games...
  7. Hi Fluffyflops, Something made with simmarket installer?
  8. Hi Alti, in the registry the name organisation is my correct mail. is it correct or have I change with my something? thanks
  9. Hi, I'm working on it really long and still not working. I buy RFSB-LICC-Catania airport from simmarket but when installation starts it says "activation invalid, pse contact customer support" Simmarket says is my pc fault so they won't help me (my pc is a new machine with win 10 64bit 2 months new), I installed many sim software without any issue, so I can't explain. Someone can help me? ps... Pse avoid to advise me to copy/paste serial or run like administrator cause I did all of this obviously
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