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Minor Bugs

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1: fuel computer rem gal stays put. It does not go down as fuel is used.
2: fuel computer sometimes the numbers are outside the instrument.
3: Autopilot, if I go to standard baro 1013/29.92 at set the alt for 15’000ft the Autopilot levels out at ~14500ft, and I have to set 15500ft to get the altimeter to show ~15000ft. Not ideal for flying on VATSIM/IVAO.
4: some flickering artifacts have made it into some instruments.
5: Oil psi gauge is way out. While flying, it is out of the green band. 
6: but this is only a suggestion. I love the manual. But a performance chart would be great to be able to realistically simulate the cruise power settings
7: Cowl flaps binding is reversed. In all other Airplanes, the binding functions as it should. On The Cessna my binding is as follows, to open the cowl flaps I need to close it and to close it I need to open them. Reverse the cowl flaps, so it works the same as the rest
8: Cowl flaps seem not to increase or decrease drag in flight
9: Cockpit cam needs adjustment. You sit differently in this plane than others (This might only be me)
10: Fuel flow seems VERY HIGH. Adjusted it in the config file for better realism.
11: why is automixture not automatically activated as default if its suggested for more realism? Changed this in the config.

Uploaded some photos about my bug findings https://imageshare.best/6UHFVT

I am excited for future updates, So far, I am loving this plane and these minor bugs are not breaking the plane for me or taking away from my experience. Great Job to you guys.

Edit: Sorry I didn't approve and un-hide this post earlier, just saw it.


Edited by ark

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