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New on AAO and already lost with LVAR and TTS

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Hi all! I'm a new buyer of AAO and I already tried to study the manual and to do a script with the editor. However it is always "red" and I really don't know if I'm doing correctly.
I want to add some TTS voices to be activated with the mission system of the hype h145 helicopter. The mission script may create LVARS and assign them the value I want.
I want to use a single or multiple LVARS to trigger a TTS voice however it seems I'm losing something as when I enter (L:VARIABLE_BLABLABLA, number) the red light is there and giving me the error for the entire command. If I try to put the == if and so on, I always have the red light so for sure I'm doing wrong but I'm lost...

I have also a question: If I want to use a single LVAR to trigger let's say 10 different phrases, not in a specific order, and only when the variable is set to it, do I need to put a repetition or goto or something? Or it will continue to run the script?


Andrea Daviero

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It would really help if you post your acutal code. It is hard to say what you are doing wrong when we cannot see what it is that you are doing


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