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Stream deck plugin file

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Hi, had to reinstall everything on new hard drive. Downloaded plugin file, but stupidly opened in “always” explorer!! 🙄 now can’t download in original format!

Any ideas please?



Andrew Waller

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35 minutes ago, Skydrew69 said:

but stupidly opened in “always” explorer

What does that mean exactly?

35 minutes ago, Skydrew69 said:

now can’t download in original format!

Why not? A file doesn't change its format?

-> Wait, do you mean that you changed the file extension assignment in Windows? And it is now opening the file with the wrong program (=not with the Elgato software)? Right click the file, look for the "open with" option, then navigate to the StreamDeck software, select "always" again.

C:\Program Files\Elgato\StreamDeck\StreamDeck.exe

Edited by Lorby_SI


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Perfect! Thank you so much! Thought I was never going to be able to use your excellent products again!! 

Andrew Waller

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