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    VeroRoutes for P3D/XP11/MSFS Released

    Bob Scott

    FSAerodata announces the release of their new product: VeroRoutes, a detailed collection of real-world flight routes and en-route CPDLC simulation.

    VeroRoutes gives a new dimension of realism in flight simulation with its large database of real-world flight plans of 36,000 added every day in the US airspace.  Additionally, during en-route navigation, it provides flightplan related messages to the aircraft via CPDLC messages as in the real-life flight. The messages include: route amendments, squawk changes, ATC handoffs, altitude changes, hold instructions, etc.

    The delivery of the messages to the user is carried out using a virtual network of the 20 ARTCC centers in the US airspace, with their 500 sectors and real-world frequencies, based on the Hoppie network.

    The product is compatible with MSFS2020, Prepar3D and X-Plane. Additionally, it's fully compatible with FlyByWire A32NX on MSFS, or any aircraft equipped with CPDLC functionality and Hoppie ACARS interface; for aircrafts without a CPDLC display, a custom gauge is available.

    More details, pricing and demo available at: https://www.fsaerodata.com


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