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Everything posted by PeterR

  1. I have the original Thrustmaster RCS pedals so I'm not sure how the news ones compare. But on mine, there are several nylon washers with a viscous lubricant on them (much like Vaseline; maybe it is). If the pivot points are bolted, you might also try loosening the nut a bit.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  2. Is that correct? Your GF4 is PCI and your GF2 is AGP? I would think it's the other way around.You should be able to run 3D on the primary display and 2D panels on other displays (secondary, tertiary, etc.). If you're having problems with the undocked windows, try putting FS into windowed mode so that the main screen is also in a window (Alt+Enter). When you do, just make sure that the 3D window on the primary display isn't sticking out by even a pixel onto the second or other displays.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  3. For the VC, you can't do more than what I described because the structures are defined in the 3D model. If you can get the source files for the model, then you can edit it to the way you want it. Otherwise, you'll have to either live with blank VC panels, or create some 2D panels to simulate those fuselage portions you want, less the instruments and fly in 2D cockpit mode.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  4. That's what I thought at first, but he still wants to have the 3D framework of the aircraft from the VC, just no instruments.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  5. Hehe, nice one Mike!Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  6. Yes, I believe I understand. The most you can do with a VC without having the 3D model source is to make the panel in the VC blank--no instruments. The blank panel, seats, yoke, etc will still be there since they're 3D objects.To remove the instruments from the VC panel, open the panel.cfg, look for sections called &l;VCockpit01&r;, &l;VCockpit02&r;, etc. Put a semicolon or two slashes in front of all the gauge= entries so that those gauges don't show up. Alternatively, you can remove those sections entirely.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  7. What is the demographic distribution by gender in the real aviation world? My guess is that the sim world is excessively male like most everything having to do with computers. As Scott said, it's unfortunate.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  8. The TransGaming implementation of WineX isn't open source because they had to put in support for copy protection (the source of which couldn't be revealed). So the TransGaming software no longer benefits from nor contributes to the WineX codebase. However, their version does improve the compatibility of copy protected DirectX games under Linux. So, the subscription fee that you pay gets you this new incarnation of WineX as well as tech support.Anyway, it does enable some DirectX games to run on Linux. However, that doesn't mean that all do and FS is still rated a 1 for stability on a scale of 1 to 5. Also, not long ago some benchmarks were made using the Windows version of Quake on Linux via WineX and it seems that WineX and/or OpenGL had an artifical boundary at 50 fps (which isn't a big deal for having fun). So, that post about FS2002 running at 100+ fps on Linux is definitely a hoax.Nevertheless, I do use WineX for "normal" Windows apps for which I don't currently have a Linux alternative or that I need to run for compatibility with the rest of the planet. Some of the GUI rendering speed can be a bit slow but it works just fine and keeps me from having to boot back and forth between OSes.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  9. Many thanks, Tuomas. Having only been able to read the web site and looking a bit at some of the zip files, I just needed some clarification. Makes much more sense now especially the 32 CIDs. What a relief.I wonder if FSBUS COM IV will be USB ;-)Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  10. Sounds good! Happy flying!Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  11. For those that have used FSBus, how do you get past the following limits?- Five 7-segment displays: You need six for two COM, two NAV, ADF and XPDR. For AP, you'd need one more. Of course, a DME would require another. Or is the limit just for a display board where FSBus can have a maximum of six display boards per controller = 30 displays?- Eight A/D inputs: For a twin-engine piston, you need six for engine controls, three for yoke+rudder and two for toe brakes.Can FSBus be expanded?Oh, and does the FSBus software take care of synchronizing the state of FS to the state of toggle switches when starting the sim or switching planes?Thanks,Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  12. Very clever little arrangement there, Tuomas!Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  13. Yeah, that's pretty neat stuff. The rudder pedals look a bit like my Thrustmaster RCS.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  14. Hehe, after being in the software industry for almost two decades, these discoveries become quite humorous. I agree that FS2k2's not using DirectInput is quite the oversight, management decision, lack of resources, order of priorities, or any combination of these. But, alas, there isn't much competition in the GA sim market these days so there isn't a whole lot of choice. All we can do is hope that improvements are made (but remember that we're the minority of the market) or that someone finds ways to hack what's available.Keep an eye on the FlightGear Flight Sim (http://www.flightgear.org) because once they've caught up, that'll be the way to go for simpit building. What better platform for getting stuff done than an open source one?Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  15. Island Hopping Unlimited sounds great! Maybe you should give it a shot! We started BFU because we liked bush flying so there's no reason you couldn't start IHU and build a community of similarly-minded folks. Some of us BFUers would probably have fun jumping around the islands too.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  16. No problem Mike. We all have to start somewhere. Great idea to include the music component from the Duck. I should've thought of that since I was in the Duck Design Group :-doh.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  17. Thanks Bill. I'll keep that in mind for future projects. I don't make the models but I can always make requests :-).Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  18. Bill, is that feature available for models created with FSDS2? It'd be great if all planes were made to use the decal function.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  19. Sounds to me like you want a VC mode without any cockpit getting in the way so you can freely pan the view. Is that correct?Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  20. You should upload the textures into the repaints category of the Library.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  21. Hi Rick,In the future, could changes in the Library, like other changes to the site, be announced on the front page of AVSIM? I only found out about this category being deleted because people started asking what happened to such-and-such file.Thanks,Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  22. Thanks guys, from all of us on the team. Happy flying!Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
  23. Improvements are always welcome. If you've got 'em, don't hesitate to send them our way.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  24. All joysticks that I know of are 100K but USB ones don't necessarily have to be. Since you have the pots, it's best to measure their resistance with an ohm meter.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)[table border=2 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1][tr][td][table border=0 cellpadding=8 cellspacing=0][tr][td bgcolor=#540000]http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/logo75t.gif[/td][td align="center" bgcolor=#FFFFF6]Bush Flying Unlimited"At home in the wild"Looking for adventure? Come join us! * [link:bfu.avsim.net|Web Site] * [link:www.cafepress.com/bfu,bfu2,bfu3,bfu4|BFU Store] * [link:bfu.avsim.net/join.htm]Join!][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table
  25. Thanks Kevin. I ordered a catalog to check out.Peter http://bfu.avsim.net/sigpics/PeterR.gifBFU Forums ModeratorRenegade/Seawolf Design Group (RSDG)
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