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Steve Dra

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  1. Steve Dra's post in PMDG Repaint size was marked as the answer   
    I've never used imagetool so I cant comment on its saving options....i use DXTBMP which allows you to easily save your files in various file types.
    give it a try and see if it works for you.  most painters I know don't paint without it. :wink:
  2. Steve Dra's post in Ejets v2 repaints...any decent Air Canada? was marked as the answer   
    Hey Craig, if you are referring to the one I did for FS9 it does not work as you noticed in FSX.
    I did convert it to FSX but never uploaded it.

    Send me an email address that can handle a 65mb 'ish file and I'll send you my FSX version.
    Steve Dra
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