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Everything posted by DShutt

  1. Righthttp://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  2. >Concerns regarding sanity have been raised ... Yes, good point Dean. I think sanitary conditions are VERY important, esp. in the flight deck, and esp. since SARS.PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for the love of everything we hold sacred - wash your hands diligently for at least 1 minute.I don't think I can make it to the meeting Dean - I have to wash my hands.DS CVA3339 & UKD149http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  3. Dearest Robert Hall and PIC Forum participants (you know who you are),Just recieved an email from Chuck Dickey alerting me of THIS post. It read: "Thought to myself, could there be TWO DSs that are PIC 767 drivers??? Chuck Dickey Plant E Maintenance CVA 3906"Well, I thought about that for about 1 second, and then I deleted the email (like I do with so many crap emails that I'm swamped with from well-meaning guys like Chuck) (no offence Chuck, I'm sure you're a nice enough guy, and you mean well, but honestly, get a life...) But then I thought a little longer and deeper about what Chuck was saying. "...could there be TWO DSs that are PIC 767 drivers???" Could there indeed be two DS's that are 767 drivers? What a fascinating prospect that would be. I mean, I'm a one-of-a-kind kind of guy - we all know that - just ask Ian Elchitz (that little Winnipegger), or Mike Murphy (that little Sydneyer) - but... "...could there be TWO DSs that are PIC 767 drivers???"So, I ask you - thanks to Chuck for this inspiring idea: Are there any other DS's that are 767 drivers?If so, let's hear from you.Let's do our level best to get this boring old forum talking about something truly inspiring: ME (or other people who may profess to be me).THE INITIAL'S DS ARE A COPYRIGHTED TRADEMARK OF DS, AND DSHUTT. NOTE: To Chuck: I'm kidding about your email being crap and about the fact that you are a well-meaning guy. I know that you are neither. I was just trying to make a joke, and get a laugh from the mooks that dwell here at the PIC forum. I mean, you know the type: Rob H pretty much exemplifies the "low-life" that endlessly haunt this place, looking for cheap thrills. I mean, if Rob wants to liven up the joint, why doesn't Rob H just post something? Why doesn't he? Well, because he's a dimwit, that's why. Of course, that said, he knows that when he throws the gauntlet down saying the forum is boring etc etc, that I'm likely to bite and try to liven the place up. And, okay, I have bitten. But, I'm not too sure that anything about this post is in anyway funny, entertaining or evening enlivening. Hey, did you hear the one about the moron, and the elephant? There was this moron who had an elephant, and this guy comes up to him and says: "Can I borrow your elephant?" And the moron says: "What elephant?" Yeah, my eight year old thinks that's hysterical. I don't get it actually. I mean, why would a guy want to BORROW an elephant? You know, this part of the post is getting a little dodgy. I haven't mentioned the PIC or planes until now. That doesn't bode well. Good thing no one moderates this forum, eh? If someone actually did MODERATE this place most of Rob's rambling posts about invisible click spots and ZFW and GTOW and blah blah blah would be deleted faster than a ... a ... oh crap, well, faster than anything. Anyhoo, I'm about spent - if that last sentence is any indication - thanks for the heads up on Rob Hall's post Chuck. See you in the skies) http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  4. Hmmm - not here - no joysticky spikys... gameport CH Virtual PILOT and pedals. But I can't save flights... lol http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  5. CTRL/SHIFT+V OpenCTRL/SHIFT+C CloseThose aren't that hard to remember are they?Or use the 1.3 patch and they open and close automatically. ;)http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  6. Colin,No disrepect to you sir. I don't have answer for your query, though it would seem to me that the some sound settings may have been altered when you added the Tampa Scenery.Try deselecting that scenery?http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  7. My hovercraft is full of eels.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  8. Y6o6u're j#@ust i+ma(00gining th**in*gs.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  9. Number 18...Yes, the 4x issue has been fixed. In fact, you can now do 1000x with this improved model.Okay, I'm kidding - no, 4x is NOT improved. 2x is really the best you can expect. Though I'm finding .5x actually quite fun on approach while connected to VATSIM.;)http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  10. Number 17...http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  11. See the fssound.dll thread.http://ftp.avsim.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboa...ewmode=threadedhttp://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  12. >Cleaning monitor off now...again. Seems your monitor is very dirty. May I suggest a monitor bib? Available at all Monitor Bib locations across Canada.>DS for PM. Pre-Menstrual?Prima Donna?Proctologist maybe?Pilot maybe?http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  13. Out to get me? What for?This hobby needs an injection of humour and a "reality pill" on occasion.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  14. Maybe I wasn't CLEAR... I still want to DRIVE my Voyager, just with the PIC panel instead of the factory one. Is that so difficult?http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  15. Dear Wade, (and ELP if available)I want to interface the 767 panel - which is really cool - with my 1992 Plymouth Voyager.Could you help me with this?I know that the 767PIC is a three year old computer program designed as an add-on for FS2K, and that it still works excellently with FS2K2, and probably FS2K4, (thanks for the free updates) and that trying to fit it into my 11 year old Voyager may be difficiult, BUT, I really think it would help its performance.Also, the paint is peeling - do you have a fix for this?THIS WAS POSTED IN JEST. ANY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO TAKE OFFENCE TO POSTS BY DS, DS 3339, CVA3339, CVA339A, OR HZR3339, HAD BEST NOT READ THE POST, OR DELETE IT FROM THEIR MEMORY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. VARIOUS REMEDIES HAVE BEEN INVENTED TO DELETE THE BRAIN OF UNWANTED MATERIALS. HERE IS A LIST OF SOME OF THE TRIED AND TRUE RECIPES THAT HAVE BEEN UTILIZED SUCCESSFULLY THROUGH THE YEARS BY SOME OF THE WORLD'S DEEPEST THINKERS. 1. ALCOHOL 2. DRUGS 3. MORE ALCOHOL 4. MORE DRUGS 5. HITTING YOUR HEAD WITH A HAMMER 6. HITTING YOUR HEAD WITH A BIGGER HAMMER 7. HITTING YOUR HEAD WITH A SHARP KNIFE 8. REMOVING A SHARP KNIFE FROM YOUR HEAD 9. READING ANYTHING WRITTEN BY RICHARD BACH 10. READING THIS ADVISORY NOTE: THIS POST DOES NOT ADVOCATE THE USE OF DRUGS, ALCOHOL, HAMMERS, KNIVES (SHARP OR OTHERWISE), BOOKS AND/OR ADVISORIES.<--- Insert a smily face here to denote that the author is kidding, joking.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  16. Yes, good point Kiek. I have 5.1 and the GPWS sounds only play out of the centre speaker. In other words, if I'm wearing headphones and volume OFF on the speakers, I won't hear the sound play in my headset.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  17. Sorry about that Craig - maybe I should READ the entire post BEFORE answering, eh?I have the PSSA320. It is collecting dust right now on a shelf. I have offered to sell cheap - so far no takers.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  18. As Rob H would say: "Ri-i-ight" http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  19. Mmmm, I'm not going to weigh in on this one. I might say something unkind.There is a WILCO forum at avsim where your question may be addressed.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  20. We are rapidly closing in on 20 top things that need to added to the 767PIC. Andrew: Beer cooler? We already have a request for virtual flight attendants to bring beer, vodka and nachos on demand.http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  21. Looks like the 12 top things to add to PIC is up to 15 ;)http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  22. Running 1.3 here...http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  23. My tip, for what it's worth: DO NOT have the PIC as the start-up aircraft. I have the default 737 as my startup aircraft. I choose the 767 from the aircraft menu. I load the appropriate amount of fuel and then shut systems down in preparation for a flight. http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  24. TOP TEN LIST OF THINGS THAT SHOULD BE ADDED TO 767PIC is NOW the top 12 things.Please add SPOIL UP time to the top of the list just above "Hidden click spots should be converted to visible click spots". For more information and to acquaint yourselves with the top 10 list see.. http://ftp.avsim.com/dcforum/DCForumID33/2668.html#3http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDS CVA3339 & UKD149
  25. Yep. My startup situation is the default 737 at the terminal. Do not have the PIC as the startup situation. http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpgDSCVA3339
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