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RTW Race Team
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About StoneC0ld

  • Birthday 10/08/1974

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    Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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  1. Landed safely, Baton is free at WAPL FlightLog_02-00-14.TXT
  2. Flying wingman WAMG - WAPL in the Shockwave/A2A W-O-P P-51H Thoroughbred
  3. Baton is free at VVCS FlightLog_21-17-47.TXT
  4. crashed on takeoff, restarting
  5. I have the baton VTBP - VVCS in the Shockwave/A2A Wings of Power P-51D
  6. Overstressed on approach... FlightLog_18-33-28.TXT
  7. Participating in team flight MRLB - MRCH in the FSX Default Mooney Bravo
  8. FSX: Active Sky Next FS9: Active Sky Evolution
  9. ( Callsign ) StoneC0ld / Dave ( Flightsim version ) FS9 / FSX Original ( Experience in Flightsim ) Good with anything except heli's ( Timezone =/- UTC ) UTC-6
  10. Deleted the first one.
  11. I could resurrect the PHP code I did a few years ago when Avsim made some changes to file uploads that would have affected our forum and race procedures if they hadn't made our forum exempt from it. It's really not that different from the file attachment setup, we'd just have to upload the image and text files from the Duenna to a separate website and paste the links it provides back into our forum posts. If I remember correctly, the basic code was essentially complete, just might want to do a bit of tweaking. I'm going to step out on a limb, however, and take a wild guess that we're going to end up posting our baton thread on Eamon's forum again because there's still "some" degree of issues with forum response times and availability (though it still is better than it has been known to be), and my scripts would definitely not be needed for that.
  12. I'm referring more specifically to the RTW Race Team group. Who would be the new contact for any additions/removals/other maintenance that might be needed for our group?
  13. If I can do something about my recent computer instability, I'll be in.
  14. It's that time of year once again! Assuming that the race will go on as usual in 2016, it's time to start recruiting and practicing for the annual 'Round The World Rally. The 'Round The World Rally is a race around the virtual world, run in Microsoft Flight Simulator. The forums at Avsim, FlightSim.com and Sim-Outhouse.com each form a team to fly a virtual baton completely around the world. The race is run completely in real time, and is usually flown in legs of up to two hours. The team that completes their flight with the fastest overall time (after bonuses/penalties) takes home the coveted Tornado Trophy. The race is traditionally held the first weekend following Valentine's Day, which is the weekend of February 19th-21st. If you're interested in joining the fun and camaraderie, simply reply to this thread with the information requested in the quote below. Let's bring the Tornado Trophy back to the Avsim trophy case!
  15. Tried loading all stock data that it would let me (including comms), and no other comms on the list other than the ones I made.
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