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Everything posted by PeteP

  1. >One question- I store most of my flight plans as files for >the PIC FMC (since I fly PIC a lot). Is there any way to >make these FMC flightplans into RC3 flights? If it is >possible, will the RC3 controllers recognize any alt >restrictions from the FMC vertical nav? Bruce,Yes, it's a simple matter to convert your PIC *.rte plans to a format useable by RC3. All you need is Jason Barlow's freeware utility for converting *.rte format to *.pln format - pic2fs.zip available from the libraries at Flightsim.com and AVSIM.com.This is a command-line utility so read the included instructions carefully if you're not familiar with this type of program! Once you have converted all your plans, simply load the *.pln version of your chosen flight into RC3 and the *.rte version into the PIC FMC in the normal way. Although RC3 and PIC work separately, they are then working from identical data. If you have a lot of *.rte plans to convert, you'll be glad to know pic2fs version 1.2 (I think that's the latest) has a batch processing facility. I converted all 309 of the real-world B767/757 plans I released for PIC to *.pln format (10 at a time) and used them during testing without problems.The answer to your question, "will the RC3 controllers recognize any alt restrictions from the FMC vertical nav?", is no, they won't. This, however, is not a limitation of RC3 but of the *.pln format. Only one level is allowed in a *.pln file so the converter strips out all the PIC level information.PeteP;http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg
  2. >It was Subs who answered about NZ by the way. >The pressure of all that testing has obviously affected both of us, Scott - it was actually jd who wrote the post I quoted from. Oooppps :-bang Pete
  3. Gooper,As jd and Bob have already said, the program will "work" anywhere in the world - and superbly well, too! However, your question was about "what countries' ATC system it supports". If, by this, you mean does it replicate or use the ATC procedures of countries outside the US, then the answer is no, it doesn't.The airspace model and the way it is divided between controllers, the RT phraseology and the general ATC procedures are all American wherever in the world you happen to be flying. Scott summed it up when, replying to a New Zealander with a similar question, he said, "if there is a situation where NZ'ers do it one way, and USA controller do it another way, RC will do it the USA way." So, if, for example, you make a flight in the UK from London to Glasgow, what you'll get is US ATC in British airspace modified to fit the American model.There are, however, a couple of cosmetic changes in RC3 that make flying outside the US (in Europe, at least) a little more realistic such as the altimeter settings being passed in millibars and the callsign "Control" instead of "Center" and it's also possible to use RVSM levels in flight plans. There is also a method of inputting the different Transition Altitudes use outside North America but this feature needs a 'workaround' to get it to work correctly and "The Boss" is keeping that secret at the moment! :-lol :-lol :-lolMaybe in some future version, ATC procedures outside the US will be properly integrated (a Herculean - if not near-impossible - task, I might add) but 'til then, enjoy RC3 for what it is - the best ATC add-on available for FS by a country mile.Pete
  4. >Just for the record...I asked and did what I was told! :-hah http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg :-lol
  5. Here here! Well done, Scott - even if you wouldn't have me as a pilot! :-halo http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg
  6. >Pete, >>And thus the "I got the joke" in my reply. ;-) Hey, we're >already doing international fixes and the thing isn't even >out yet!Ooooh, sneaky! That "I got the joke" bit wasn't there when I first read your reply - you edited it and added it later. ;) :-lol ;http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg
  7. Scott, you're still missing it, mate! He said, "For your info we use altimeters in Europe too to measure altitudes. Actually I thought they were used everywhere? ;)" Note the plural noun "altimeters". He's cracking a joke! I think all that testing and sorting out the .wav files has taken its toll on your sense of humour. jd, you've been working the poor lad too hard - shame on you! :-lol ;http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg
  8. >I can spell colour properly too!! >Fantastic - how about manoeuvre? On second thoughts, don't answer that - you haven't got a hope of getting into the beta team if jd thinks you're too literate! :-lol :-lol :-lol PP;http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg
  9. >but we use Centre in Canada as well.;);http://jdtllc.com/images/RCbeta.jpg
  10. >i couldn't convince enough people to record the scripts to make localized pilots and controllers.
  11. Hmmm... unless I can't see for looking, 'support for RVSM operations' is missing from the list.P.
  12. Hi Ray, fancy meeting you here!Just a small point for those who enjoy flying to real-world procedures - jets such as the B767 are not permitted to us the LISTO SIDs when departing 24R/L but must use the HON 1R/Y instead.I think the ban has something to do with all those rich people living in parts of Cheshire! You wouldn't be one of them by any chance would you? :-lol
  13. Steve,You need a small utility called pic2fs written by Jason Barlow for this very purpose. Download pic2fs11.zip (from the library here or at Flightsim.com, I think), follow the included instructions and all your existing PIC *.rte plans will be quickly (and acurately) converted to *.pln format.I've used many of my converted plans for the same purpose as you intend and the two match perfectly. The advantage of this method over Ryan's excelent suggestion is that you can still use *.rte version of the plan with PIC thus allowing you to keep any level/speed entries you've made which are not available in the *.pln versionPete
  14. > There must be a conversion chart or something available somewhere, but at this time i have come up with nothing. >Assuming what you want is a conversion chart from millibars (hectopascals) to inches of mercury, (and vice versa) there's one in the AVSIM library! Search for "presconv.zip".Pete
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