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About brucek

  • Rank
    Member - 3,000+
  • Birthday 09/01/1951

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  • Location
    Boulder, CO
  • Interests
    Flying, flight simming, aviation, hiking.

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  1. I would agree, other than my experience with the Fresca sim (no "PC sim" and able to be used for instrument currency".
  2. I have about 200 hours in the C172S. For reasons that I will never understand, the real a/c has the issue that it is more stable in nose up/down pitch and less stable in the bank attitude than any of the sims that I have flown since 1994, including all of the FS versions, XP, and even the ASA instrument sims. And the same applies to the Fresca sim that the flying club owns. Must be a feature of a software model rather than the real aerodynamic thing. With that said, I agree with the OP that any bank in the real thing, less than 25 degrees, will return to approximately level. That is, a sudden bank change (less then 25 degrees) will result in a rather quick return to level flight. Its's the gradual change in bank over time that makes it susceptible to graveyard spirals. The real thing is extremely stable in nose up/down pitch, unlike almost any simulation. I often think that sims must put people off ever wanting to learn to fly when managing nose up/down pitch..... Can't comment on the AirFoilLabs model- I have it but haven't had any time to even open it let alone fly it.... Thanks, Bruce.
  3. On the weekend I had a Comcast modem changed out- it serves my internet wireless router (an Apple AirPort Extreme), which I also needed to reset due to the different configuration of the replacement modem. I'm finding now that downloading real weather doesn't seem to work. Is there something else that I need to do to XP? (If it's looking for a specific IP address for the router, that may have changed- but I'm unsure as to whether that matters to XP). Thanks, Bruce. PS: the answer may be here : http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/106871-real-weather-isnt-downloading/ I see that the NOAA server has changed.
  4. This looks awesome, must try it.
  5. I've had mine now for about 13 years and still working well.
  6. In the US, a basic pilot's license and training for one means a single engine less that 180hp ( above that requires an endorsement of a license), and fixed pitch and gear ( requires a complex endorsement for variable pitch and retractable gear ). Plus, more than one engine requires a whole different license, not just an endorsement or rating (such as instrument).
  7. Does WT 2.2 work with XPX on a Mac? Since it is a plugin to XP I assume it works regardless of the OS? Thanks, Bruce.
  8. Hi everyone, I have an iPad mini that has become surplus to my other uses, and it's now available for use with XP. I see reference to an "AirFMC" app that I need to get, I assume I need this if I was to put the IXEG FMC onto the I-Pad? And is putting the IXEF FMC (or any other part of the cockpit electronics) possible onto an iPad? I looked at the IXEG forum but couldn't clearly figure this out. Thanks- Bruce.
  9. I have always found these forums a place where friends can exchange ideas, and all of us have benefitted. But to accuse a developer of being arrogant "like a large corporation" (my words) - the very developer that bends over backwards to help people (in my experience and in reading their forums)..... On a matter that results from this user not installing the product as recommended - a product that he has only purchased a license to use, not the product itself... Then complains why it won't work. I have been around here since Tom (bless his soul) first started an e-mail list in 1995, but have never seen anything quite like this. To the user: You are a young, I am at the other end of the spectrum (65), and all I can say is that you have a lot of life and learning to do yet. ....
  10. No worries on the Plan-G, and the plug-in by Vita looks promising-- thanks.
  11. Thanks for the replies. I have never used Plan-G, I must go look at it. Also found the slewing tool but have yet to try it. Great community here!
  12. Thanks for the ideas. The Victory feature sounds interesting. I might try the Ctl-T function first and see how that works.
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